R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

roblox realism fans: wozers this rthro HD skin morphed texture facial animation++ motion captured movement dynamic skull shape PBR enhanced player model is so amazing look how far we’ve come! i hecking LOVE this technology!!


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Nope. The adapter is just a start-off for R6 removement, unless they are going to finally listen the community.


neoclassic kinda breaks down when using this


The collision seems fine, I don’t have any problem with obbies, unless there’s some quirk of R6.

The heads are giant. That’s what is happening here.

Could you imagine a game like Phantom Forces in R15 though? Think about it for a second.


They won’t remove R6 until they have the features to make it so that R15 avatars can work functionally the same for the same purpose.


its only adaption of R6 to R15 though. just know its not supposed to remove R6
though again, the future of R6 is really questionable and thats what am i concerned of. i dont want things to fail catastrophically just because all of a sudden we cant use R6, UNLESS avatar unification takes care of this aswell. adapting game to R15 would be pain in the lower torso if the entire game relied on R6


Well, I think there’s something wrong here. Roblox is removing the R6 humanoid rig type, but why can’t they just use the R15 technology on the humanoid and still have R6 body parts?

It is effectively what my model aims to do, but it doesn’t accomplish it completely. Why does there need to be all these compatibility layers?


Hm, I’ll take a look at it then.

They can simply take an idea from arsenal or make their own, what’s so hard? No need to worry about someone’s else wallet.

Not worried. Just wondering what it would look like.

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I’ve been on Roblox since 2010, so I love the classic R6 avatar as much as the other person. That being said, it is absolutely true too that R15 has also become a part of Roblox’s identity, with it unlocking so much animation and movement freedom. I love it. They’re both core to Roblox’s identity.

I’m, however, getting really exhausted posting on every single avatar update that I do not want to use anything beyond R15 with classic scales. New avatar technologies have proven time and time again to be unperformant, cause critical crashes in experiences sometimes when issues really flare up and they don’t fit every experience. Homogenising the social experience on Roblox to just avatars is not right, and we need to continue to be able to create a wide variety of experiences with ease.

Please, I’m literally begging, and have on several other posts: please make it easier for us not to be forced to adopt new technologies that are unfit for our experiences. It is non-trivial for me to turn off flags and restore classic proportions (I have to constantly write the same boilerplate or use a StarterCharacter). Roblox can plow through with whatever avatar changes they want, but please don’t take away any options from us. I have no use for any new avatar technologies because I build all my avatar and socialisation features in-house.


Note how it says “look, style and movement” and not body parts.

If you read it you will see that they plan to remove the “tech” of R6 (the 6 body parts) and replace it with R15 tech (15 body parts)


This actually seems like a good update.

Thank goodness I won’t have to worry about R6 being removed and me having to hack it back in by abusing bugs or unintended behavior. :pray:

Though there is one issue I have with this.
Mainly skinned clothing.

The problem with skinned clothing is that it can’t be detached or “cut” so to speak.

So in games that have dismemberment for example (either for violent or just for comedic/cartoony purposes) look REALLY weird because the clothing will just stretch or disappear to stay attached to the body.

Often those games also use R6 and I kinda worry skinned clothing might result in weird glitchy, stretched out graphics and having to remove it by script which then would limit how players can express themselves in that game just because of the glitchy and weird nature of skinned clothing and the limited ways we can manipulate it.

Will this some time be addressed?


you know how layered clothing works on the 1.0 r15 avatar? just use that if you’re gonna remove r6.

So will we still be able to use r6 or is r6 getting deleted?

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then right away give ideas to these developers through their social media before its too late to worry about?


I love how small known developers here mostly cares about games not associated with them and worries about someone’s else wallet after this adaptation update…


Yes but they also said they will “[Preserve] their preffered gameplay style” meaning that they’ll continue to have the r6 movement. Functionally they should work just the same for combat and “obbies”.