R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

Can you please just stop advertising you r21 rig? We get it, its good

Are you serious bro like what :sob:

I’m not trying to advertise, I’m just saying Roblox’s crappy replacement isn’t good enough and is purely just for looks.

Almost finished with my implementation of it:

just gotta figure out why the right foot is leaving…

I have no clue why they didn’t end up doing that, this is an amazing idea that still keeps the pros of both worlds together


You proved my point, you cant post anything without mentioning your rig bro cmon :sob:

Did you see my video?

This is a joke. Maybe I did prove your point.

but your system isn’t THAT much better, it’s still only for looks if it has more than 15 parts, there is still that performance decrease when running a for loop check in your character…

if you can find a way to get just 6-7 limbs on the R15 rigtype to work with layered clothing and dynamic heads, then there is hope

Performance is not what the resource is aimed to do. It’s a compatibility layer. The “adapter” right here is for aesthetics only and provides no compatibility whatsoever.

Not necessarily. You can delete the R15 parts, but you won’t get clothing compatibility with the R15 HumanoidRigType. You can get tool compatibility with the R6 parts + the RightHand.

I’ve not, but someone else has. R15 really only needs a humanoid root part to work, and there’s no issue using the R6 parts. I could use the R21 rig and delete all the R15 exclusive parts and it would work fine.

The issue is the clothing. I can’t use it at all if we don’t have all the R15 parts installed. We don’t need it, but it wouldn’t feel the same without it.

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there might still be a way to make it work with just 6 limbs, i saw clonetrooper had put out a “proof of concept” video using R6 and it actually looks like it fits pretty well. The concern though is, “how difficult”?

That’s layered clothing. I’m talking about classic clothing.

You need to align the textures just right and it’s very difficult to do.

OH, right. About that, i figured out they all use a template all packages are mapped to, but i’m not sure where they’re getting this template from.

if there’s any extra info about what the actual template for this looks like, it would be really neat in making custom packages that support classic clothing

EDIT: tried making sense of it myself, here’s the basic sketches locating areas of the template:

if i’m not mistaken, this is also the template that CharacterMeshes use

This is a bad idea. There are multiple popular games that rely on R6, like The Rake. And there are upcoming games that rely on it, like Enzz’s Don’t Breathe. This is just a bad idea.


yes i agree they really shouldn’t mess with r6

The entire point of this update is to let r15 avatars work in games made for r6, its not removing r6


i know but atleast make the new “r6” look like the real thing

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This ignores whether or not the game has force enabled R15 character rigs, players may still have chosen R6 avatars. Playing R15 is not the same as wanting R15.

We do not need the entire developer community to know when an active subset seen on this thread is angry, there are clearly people upset with this change and you just choose to look past them.

I will reiterate, people may be using R15 as it provides more possibilities for avatar customization, this does not mean they prefer R15 but rather could instead mean that they use it because of the options that are there for it. The sad truth is R6 just does not have as many options in avatar creation as R15, but this does not mean it is not as capable.


I made a post that explains EXACTLY how each of the Templates work. Hope this helps.
Classic Clothing UV Mapping Guidelines[R15]

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Yep. I get its supposed to unify avatars but… no.

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As this transition is implemented universally, will developers retain the option to deactivate this update? This would enable R6 characters to maintain their original 6-body-part structure, rather than adopting the new 15-body-part arrangement.

Thank you for reading my post, if you feel like responding, please send me a private message instead as this ensures posts follow Global Rule 3 and 3.1. ~splinestein

You’re a Tool

A “minuscule” amount of old accounts does not include every single random username that you type in from 15 years ago.

Im not sure what vandetta you have against developers, wanting to force people to spend extra time, money, effort, labor so people can wear a dynamic face, but you’re really clearly not an intelligent person, or someone who considers others positions on this platform.

Lets recoup our pros & cons:


  • Funny faces
  • Realistic Clothes


i got bored of arguing with someone who is clearly in their own little world of r15 and doesnt understand the actual state or affects of this change so im not gonna bother writing out the cons.