Random Invisible wall in Roblox Studio


I’m very unfamiliar with Roblox studio as a whole, but right now I’m having a problem with something building-related.

For whatever reason, There’s an invisible wall here that’s preventing me from jumping through this gap in the wall. I would show video proof but My 4 second video is too much for the DevForum to handle I guess, so here’s a photo instead.

Is there any way to get rid of this “invisible wall”?

Before you ask, Yes. ALL of the unions in my game have their CollisionFidelity setting set to “PreciseConvexDecomposition”

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Maybe this will help


I’m not using Blender to import anything, nor am I using meshes (I don’t know what a “mesh” is, so chances are I am probably not using one.)

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Is there an invisible object there? Check for it in Studio.

No, nothings lighting up when I hover my mouse over the spot in studio, I even checked the entire workspace to see if I put a checkmark over the “Locked” properties, nothing.

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What I might be saying might be very very dumb, but have you tried without Unions?
Maybe try making 2 parts, one with the Union and the other without

Look at the part information within Studio. You will see if it is a mesh.

From my very super omega beans careful analysis, looking at the seams. I can conclude that it must be of two options:
1, its literally an invisible wall, just hover your mouse and see if something is there.
2, its a union and the hole did not calculate properly.

In either case, just get rid of it. If its a unioned wall, you have two options, change it to Precise mode thingy, or just replace with normal parts.

TL:DR In all seriousness, its either a union or a transparent part.

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He already checked and it isn’t an invisible part and the Union is on precise

In the properties tab? Again, I do not know what a mesh is.

I think the properties tab is where it is.

So In other words, rebuild the whole stone wall I made from scratch? Sounds tedious, but it doesn’t sound that bad because I can easily rebuild it. If that’s the case, how can I store it so that my workspace is organized? (This is another problem I keep having, sometimes it takes a long time to find things there even when you name them “properly”)

In that case, might be something that is locked or something that spawns in during gameplay.
Unlock all parts (for now), and hover mouse over area, if nothing still pops up, playtest game.

Once in play testing mode, go to the same location and hover mouse over area (make sure to equip selection thingy).

If worse comes to worse, go to File > Studio Settings > Studio > Scroll down > Show decomposition Geometry

it’ll show you the collision parts of the object


Where can I find this? I’m new to studio.

While in play testing mode, click “Select” in “Home”
(trying in run mode may also work though you seem to face the issue with character, so doing play testing might help you find it better.)

A mesh is something imported from another Modeling software, there should be a way of finding them easily from their image

Seeing from the image the wall seems pretty simple, so you could remake it, if you want to
To keep everything organised use Folders and Models, else it’s messy

Thanks for telling me. I am not an artist by any means (and my computer) is running low on memory, so chances are I probably wont use meshes because I cant get any modelling software

As for organizing my workspace, I think I’m doing a pretty alright job? (Haven’t gotten around to fixing the wall yet)

Screenshot 2023-04-18 195310

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You say what now?

That wall looks insanely simple.

Thanks, Studio’s telling me the “invisible wall” is coming from the union wall, now I know.

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1st. I understand, but Meshes are very useful, as you can make very complex shapes without needing Unions (which are very Performance-Intensive) and convert Unions to be less Performance-Intensive
2nd. It looks very good and organised, I can’t really understand the name but it’s probably because I don’t know the layout etc. one tip tho, unless you’re used to LOUD_SNAKE_CASE, I suggest you use either camelCase or PascalCase, as they’re faster to write, but that’s only personal preference