Range Fog Incoming

More realistic and more circular. Great update!

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I seriously figured this would be here by now. But I’ll take any fog updates I can :slight_smile:

These fog controls are really gonna be a massive help to developers building city maps for horror genre games or possibly high altitude maps above a cloud cover to which this could represent, this is gonna be a really good thing to help developers build according to their project needs.

I’m excited for this update! This could be very useful for horror theme games.

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Can we have something in the fog properties to control the fog on the Y axis?

For example, if a user wants to make a map on top of a mountain when they look down its foggy below the user.

And not just fog all round. - Would be nice. :slight_smile:


I agree with what your saying because this fog is much nicer than before so it could be used as a more realistic cloud cover but it needs that Y Axis to work efficiently.


Now we need height fog :wink:


Very excited to be rid of the dreaded squog (square fog).


I can imagine so many Roblox developers designing horror themed maps with this range fog.


This would be so awsome to make a horror game out of. :wink: . So excited.


This will look a lot better than the old square looking fog. I feel like the radial fog will make it look more natural.


This is an interesting feature that I’m looking forward to being implemented. I’m sure that many others are also looking forward to this update. There may be some unfortunate bugs that come with this feature, just like any other feature.

Other than that, this’ll be a great update, and will help more Horror games with that, “realism”. I’m sure that many games will have a better look than that square box of fog.

Hopefully we can have fog intensity Numberrange in the future so we have a little more control of how quickly fog fades towards FogEnd, this is definitively a step in the right direction though!

@maxvee @zeuxcg
Suggestion: Color3 Skybox Horizon Color
With the new range fog changes. Is it possible to have a property to get the Color3 value of the skybox’s horizon? This could be really useful for games which has a day/night cycle and matching fog based on the horizon’s tint so the fog blends nicely with the skybox.

Currently, If we were to try to sync the fog color to the skybox’s horizon color, it is a tedious process of manually figuring out the Color3 and lerping between them from in-game time to in-game time.


looks a lot better this way, would be nice to get area fog like for example fog over a marsh type of fog or a haze. I tried to make my own with partials but it did not look that good.

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Glad I’m working on my game, this is seriously gonna bring it to the next level.


It would probably be more useful to be able to have a short of colour picker method (like the eye dropper to in photoshop) , which you cast from the camera viewport in a direction, that returns the colour of the pixels in that spot or area.

Them you could apply that to note than just the horizon.

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Awesome! This makes fog a lot more practical at close range.

Looking forward to trying out some new configurations and effects.


Since the FIB update is not very old, is this considered an update for Future Is Bright?


Now that’s a huge improvement. I’d like to see an option for fog opacity some time as well.