Rate my Low-Poly speed build

Hi! So, I wanted to try to build low poly. This is my first low poly build, so go easy on me. It took about 10 minutes, and I don’t really like it. Please give me your best opinions!




I probably won’t make landscape/pathway.


It definitely does look rushed and lacks shape. There is never any point in making speed builds. Taking time to get the right look is worth the time.


For a quick build, it’s, well, quickly built. Try testing around with colors and make things kinda more interesting. try adding a few bricks to it (As separate parts) and mess around with smooth layouts. Other than that, it’s kinda okay.

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Can you expand on

please, I don’t really know what you mean by that.

A lot of this build is pretty good.

The house design itself looks very good, and the garage door looks very clean. Though, the windows and other door could use a bit of work, they feel slightly rushed, and the windows feel a little out of place.

Overall though, good work! Excited to see what you make in the future.

Thanks a lot! And what do you mean, how do the windows feel out of place?

Right. I apologize for my short explanation.


Notice what these builds have that your house doesn’t?

  1. The windows in your house are simple decals while here its a shape.
  2. Notice how these builders make the entire shape of the house look squeezed in and abstract like.
  3. See how they add little details like blocks to look like bricks and stuff?

Low poly is definitely not an easy style and it may require you to study reference images to get the look correctly. And its definitely not a 10 minute build.


The windows are not decals, they are Negated parts.
Thanks a lot though, i’ll take all that into account.

Some of them just look a little out of line. They don’t really resemble a floor with rooms on a house since usually they are aligned with each other, and less random looking. If you placed them a little bit straighter and on levels, I think that they would make this build look very good, especially for a house made in around ten minutes.

Oh sorry. But they do look like decals are what I meant. You’re on the right path, but when I see those low poly build pictures I generally see these steps:

  1. Basic shape of the build
  2. Details to the shape
  3. Minor details to make the entire build seem more detailed.

While I am no low poly builder, this is personally what I see and I’d suggest trying to somewhat build of it.

Hey, I did what you suggested.

Updated Version


How does it look now? ignore the car for now

Is that a good thing, or should it be changed?

Looks better, if you wanted to, you could have less windows on each floor if thats too many. Otherwise, looks like a decent house!

Thanks, I’m working on the car at the moment. And I’ll probably make it only 3 windows on each floor. Any other suggestions?

Personally I don’t think so. I think doing it with shapes and a rim is better.

The windows look bad? I was just trying to replicate this.



Ah I see. Perhaps I was wrong, maybe its more of how you approached it. It may more be the position of the windows and how you are placing it. Also you may want to enlarge the white rim around it because I did not notice it and the gray bar under it also adds to it. But notice the entire buildings complimented by the little brick like detail.

I wouldn’t recommend that in future - a low-res decal would look exactly the same, but uses tonnes less memory and render time. Not really a problem for a lone low-poly house, but the inefficiencies of this would quickly add up in a larger game.


Oh yeah, didn’t consider that. Maybe i’ll change it. Thanks for the help!

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@Sentross @Sbss1111 Can you guys send me some pictures of low poly builds, for example streets or buildings. I wanna try to build a low poly city.