It appears that an engine change has happened to raycasts that have made them incur much higher overhead performance than they did just yesterday. It isn’t a negligible amount either, any moderately large volume of raycasts can drop framerates to single digits. A video of it happening can be found here.
To reproduce this, send large volumes of raycasts. I have had this issue on 1 raycast every 3 frames. Not sure how exactly the cost is incurred. This also does apply to shapecasts.
My system information:
16 gb DDR4 ram
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090
AMD Ryzen 9
Expected behavior
Raycasts were multiple orders of magnitude more performant before yesterday
It happens on any device it seems, studio or engine. I’ve had reports of higher lag than usual on mobile predominantly so far, but some PC users have said they’ve felt the impact of this
We’ve been having issues too.
I haven’t been able to reproduce it myself but we use raycasting in part of our spawn scoring on the client, this can be hundreds of raycasts in a single frame. Some players say at times it can take up to 20 seconds to spawn instead of the usual sub-second processing that takes place.
We can’t reproduce this internally, and we don’t see a corresponding bump in the telemetry we have on raycast performance.
It would help us if anyone could supply a Microprofiler dump that shows a really long raycast, or supplied a place file that consistently shows the problem.