RBLX/ai - Elevate Your Game with AI-Generated Icons and Thumbnails

No one is going to subscribe to your service if you dont even give us a few free credits upon signing up so we can test the service to know what we are paying for. Take this as feedback


pay actual artists :+1:



Would rather pay actual artists for quality work instead of ai slop but that’s just me :upside_down_face:


Would like some free credits to test it.

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With the money you have to pay for this you could easily just commission a real artist to make an actually good-looking thumbnail, lol.

Using AI generated images for your thumbnails gives the impression of cheapness and laziness to your users, and also shows lack of respect for actual artists. Additionally, the reason why anyone would pay for something that still has the same errors as just using stable diffusion is beyond me.

I would advise hiring an artist or even just picking up a pencil yourself. Please do not spend your money on AI generated slop.


I think that accounts that were created a year ago should get like six free credits so that they can see that they’re not getting ripped off when they buy and icon because I am not willing to pay $7.99 for an icon.

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I am sorry but I have no sympathy for you. People would rather hire talented person to draw thumbnail for their game instead of your service. No offense.


Pretty cool AI, but id honestly rather make my thumbnails because I can project my ideas 100% that way.


Thanks for the feedback. I’m definitely going to make something like a free trial.

The problems with users being able to sign up and instantly get free credits is that it can easily be exploited. You would just be able to create multiple accounts. Sure I can implement IP checks, but still, it can be exploited/bypassed.

So if you have any ideas on how I can give users a taste of the service whilst keeping it relatively cheap (for compute and server costs), would be great!

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Why would anyone use this over an in-game screenshot?


Why spend money on creating images w/ AI that you have little artistic control over?

Sure, you can enter a prompt and somewhat guide the content of the image. But as with every single AI image generator, the results are extremely varied each time. It’s impossible to fine tune the detail to be exactly how you want, no matter how many words you put. You’ll only get content that is like 75% accurate to what you entered.

If you’re willing to spend money on AI game art, just hire an actual artist at that point :man_facepalming:

Not to mention, I’m like 99% sure this is against ToS. Last I checked, selling offsite things for Robux isn’t allowed. Roblox has no way to guarantee you will receive what you paid for.


These are awesome! I bought some credits and tested it out; I’d recommend it! I wish there was a bit more of a more traditional Roblox style, though. Something like this-


Thanks. I’ll look at adding in a style so you can get that classical Roblox style.

Here’s a couple examples of RBLX/ai generations similar to that:


Can’t I just tell GPT 3.5 to make a prompt for me :thinking:


It varies in models. Each models have their own prompt-style, if you insert a prompt from a Stable Diffusion Model to another model, It would result in poor quality. GPT-3.5 also can’t really generate prompts for specific models since it’s very limited in prompt engineering knowledge. I tried to use it to generate a prompt for Dreamshaper 8, but it just gave me a long paragraph instead of using trigger words effectively.

Text2Image Base Models typically have a broad dataset, ranging from realism, line-art, sketch, etc; but if you gave it the task to generate foreign styles such as Roblox Characters (ex prompt: Blocky Character, Round Cylindrical Head, etc), it’s often isn’t up to your standards. However Fine-tuned models can be fine-tuned to generate certain styles, which is what I’m assuming is the OP’s product.


You actually have a lot of artistic control over the images you create on RBLX/ai. You can create a simple prompt and select options for styles and perspectives such as a Cartoony style with a perspective of Wide-Shot. You can get results you want by using the variations feature, so if you create something that you kind of like, but want more of it, you can generate multiple generations of it.

The difference is you are paying ~$1-2 on ~10 icons or having to pay a reasonable rate ($30+) just for one icon, and $60 for a thumbnail. Those numbers are the average rates from what I’ve seen.

I’ve seen nothing to suggest this is against the Terms of Service. I’ve asked in multiple staff servers. Services like Ro-Pro use a payment plan like this as well.

What does RBLX/ai actually add to the table beyond a sleek interface? If we peel back the niche marketing, it’s hard to see if it stands as more than just a dressed-up frontend for standard AI image generation models. This is where it gets a bit tricky because it seems RBLX/ai isn’t bringing anything fundamentally new or custom-developed for Roblox to the table.

This observation hits at the core of the issue: RBLX/ai appears to be leveraging existing technologies under the guise of a specialized service without introducing any unique, custom models specifically optimized for Roblox graphics. It essentially operates as a prompt modification tool, which, frankly, could be set up by anyone with a basic understanding of GPT and some prompt engineering skills. You could genuinely create a similar prompt-modifying GPT model yourself using the tools OpenAI provides. With a bit of ingenuity and access to the GPT store, anyone could theoretically set up a service that tweaks prompts to feed into more robust models like DALL-E or Stable Diffusion, potentially even tailoring them more effectively to specific themes or aesthetics like Roblox.

Building on this point, while RBLX/ai markets itself as a specialized service for Roblox developers, it essentially adds just a layer of user interface simplification over existing technologies. You’re paying premium prices for a service that could be replicated with a bit of technical know-how and access to broader, more versatile AI platforms that allow for real, creative input.


Thank you for your insightful feedback. You bring up some valid points about the reliance on existing AI models. However, there are several unique aspects that RBLX/ai brings to the table:

  1. Specialized Prompt Engineering: While it’s true that prompt modification can be done with general AI models, RBLX/ai focuses specifically on crafting prompts that are highly tailored to Roblox aesthetics and themes. This specialization ensures more relevant and high-quality outputs for Roblox developers. If you want to spend hours coming up with a 5 sentence prompt that doesn’t capture much of the creative aspect, you are free to do so, this is a service that turns that process into ~15 seconds.
  2. Great Plans: Our plans are extremely flexible. We have 12 payment plans. 5 (pay as you go) are in Robux, minimum is 700 R$, 4 (pay as you go) is in USD, minimum is $1.99, 3 (subscription) are in USD, minimum $19.99/mo.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: RBLX/ai provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface that simplifies the image generation process, making it accessible even to those with limited technical skills. This ease of use can save developers significant time and effort. If you were to utilize DALL-E 3 for your own use, you would either have to have a fair understanding of the API (with pay as you go), or use GPT-4 which is $20 USD/mo & still have to engineer your own prompts.
  4. Thumbnail Generation: Unlike DALL-E alone (usage is mentioned above… not practical for an average Roblox Developer), RBLX/ai specifically supports the generation of thumbnails, an essential feature for Roblox developers looking to create compelling and attractive game visuals.
  5. Concurrent Image Generation: RBLX/ai allows users to generate up to 15 images concurrently, significantly speeding up the creative process and enhancing productivity for developers wanting a bigger pool of images to CTR test.
  6. Streamlined Workflow: By integrating multiple AI tools together behind the scenes, RBLX/ai offers a seamless workflow from prompt creation to image generation. This integration reduces the friction and learning curve associated with using multiple AI tools separately.
  7. Community and Support: RBLX/ai is designed with the Roblox developer community in mind, such as offering flexible local currency payments and signing up via Roblox.

I believe that these elements combine to offer a valuable service to Roblox developers, making the creative process more efficient and enjoyable. I appreciate your perspective and are always open to suggestions for improvement.

To address your concerns/problems: I have mentioned above (replies) why I moved away from a fine-tuned model, it made absolutely no difference to the output and had the same ‘optimization for Roblox graphics’ as it would be with an extremely complex prompt modification result.

While you can setup your own GPT to generate images, you would still be required to pay $20 USD/mo to have access to GPT-4 for vision capabilities. Making your own GPT is actually quite difficult, I don’t really understand it myself and I’m betting the average Roblox Developer doesn’t know how to make one either… just use RBLX/ai, pay $2 and generate a dozen graphics instantly. On top of that you would then also have to figure out how you would make your images come out as close to Roblox-style results as possible.

I think it’s extremely easy for a programmer to respond “This is easy to make, anyone could do this, why is there a service for it” — Let’s not forget not all of Roblox Developers are programmers or even want to make a service that can engineer prompts to come up with Roblox Icons and Thumbnails (soon to be a multi-ai-tool supporting loads of cool things)

For a very basic example, it’s kind of like saying, “Well there’s a Roblox website for calculating your DevEx, this could be easy to make or easy to calculate yourself. Why not do that?” – The simple answer is not everyone wants to do that (or knows what to calculate :frowning:). If you have a bookmark for that site, enter in your amount and instantly get what you want, it’s there, quick, easy and convenient. Sure it’s a little weird to use over a calculator (only to us who know how to do basic math…), but people still use it.

A good portion of the entry/beginner developers are not super old, I know I started developing and finding icons when I was at least 14, I think I would have looked at you with my mouth on the floor if you told me I had to setup my own service to engineer prompts and feed them into an image generator or setup my own GPT from the GPT store.

Note: RBLX/ai will be reciving updates in the coming weeks providing more tools for developers to utilize.

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Your prices aren’t very aligned with ROBLOX. We’ve grown many of us, but many still young. Old or young your prices are more than typical AI sites from google (which may not be tailored to Roblox, but I’ve gotten Roblox images out of some in the past under free packages; free meaning I can at least generate 1 image).

Cool release tho…

I know we developers are looking for a bag from players, many of us (once introduced to money) dig deep to become the next millionaires. We should at least treat each other with some more mercy.

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