RBLX/ai - Elevate Your Game with AI-Generated Icons and Thumbnails

These prices are insane? There are many other (somewhat) free alternatives that do pretty much the same thing


You can get 10 icon generations (or 5 thumbnail generations) for $1.99 or 700 R$. No other service offers R$ payments or thumbnail generations without paying a minimum of $20 monthly.

On max HD settings (1024x1792), that is 300% markup of price (for a thumbnail), you’re better off using your own website using the DALLE-3 API if you’re fine wasting a few bucks for tailoring good prompts.


Basically a Dall-E 3, but with a custom prompt? I guess so.

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oh dear

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The cost for a thumbnail would be $0.597 at the current rate. 10 Credits is $1.99, 3 Credits is 1 thumbnail which makes the cost in USD for a single thumbnail approximately $0.6 rounded.

You can definitely setup your own service to replicate the same results given you spent a fair bit of time on it.

It might be a 300-600% markup, but it’s a 300% markup in the perspective of a couple cents. The reason this markup exists is because I’m filling the gap of users having to setup and fine tune/setup AIs, learn the basics of APIs, learn the basics of using the DALL-E 3 API, learn the basics of whatever language you want to make it in, and probably a couple other things I’m missing.

I could read a tutorial on how to create a house to live in and spend great amounts of my time understanding the fundamentals to creating a house (for a 10% lower cost), or I can pay the cost of a house and live in it.

This cost-benefit analyses highlights the choice between self-sufficiency and convenience, a couple more short examples:
learning to cook versus eating out, learning to code versus hiring a developer, car maintenance versus a mechanic, DIY home renovations versus professional contractors or building your own PC versus buying a prebuilt one.


Wow, that’s ironic.

What is this pricing, though? I thought people used AI because they didn’t want to pay a real artist. What’s the benefit of AI garbage over something made by a real person, especially when you’re gonna be paying a lot of money either way?


firstly, you’d have to pay artist a lot more than that PER 1 piece of art and wait a lot LONGER to get it, using AI gives you instant results and a lot cheaper

Using AI doesn’t make something less effort or worse than made by human. Software is made by humans, that is the same case for AI

look, if you don’t want to use AI then don’t, no one is forcing you to pay for this service. So if you don’t like it then click off, no one cares about your opinion on AI, please keep your comments relevant to the topic with constructive criticism or with value rather than blatantly calling someone’s work garbage without giving a single thought

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since you have been opened about using Dall E 3, have you tried using a different model say from Stability AI? I was wondering if you get better results using a different Image generation model?

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Correct. However, most people aren’t commissioning dozens of works of art for their game.

It inherently does. It requires less effort.

That doesn’t apply here. Humans did not make the imagery even if they made the algorithm/model that creates it. That’s like arguing bots in online games are still people because the bots are hosted by them.

I actually think it’s quite relevant. I posted about AI on an AI product.

This is not their work. This is a wrapper around an existing model that gives better results for this niche. Calling AI garbage is not calling the person garbage. It’s just simply true. AI has moral and legal implications that are frequently ignored abrasively, which is the reasoning for my statements of irony that you conveniently ignored.


Sadly no other AI has sufficient knowledge on the design of Roblox characters. I’ve tested just about every image generation AI out there including my own fine tuned image generation model, and they just do not compete with DALL-E 3.

The results you see on RBLX/ai are the best graphcis you can get in terms of AI generation.

Although I won’t be using this, this is a pretty neat idea. This does bridge a gap between others that might not know much about AI and prompt generation to not get scammed by those commission getters. Making something easily accessible takes money and those that say theres free alternatives should do just that - figure it out. If you don’t figure it out or get tired of trying - try this.

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I agreed to mostly everything you stated but the last one. This is his work - making something easier or user-friendly is work. Is the rubber tire not work because it derived from the stone wheel?

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I wonder what your reaction is when AI replaces programmers

using “Software is made by humans, that is the same case for AI” as an excuse is just dumb.

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I agree, however that’s not the context I was specifically talking about. I was talking more about the specific limitations of the AI model itself - things that this person did not create.

Guys, Gemini.google.com is free and you can keep slowly iterating on your icon to fix things! I really like it!


pretty sure hiring an artist costs less than this anyways.

oh and, ever heard of using screenshots? don’t bother with using art if you don’t want to pay for genuinely good ones. paint.net costs zero dollars and you can get custom fonts for free online.

take a screenshot in game using whatever scene camera and put text on it, it’s that simple. i can get quality thumbnails that don’t look like ai generated facebook memes for half of the price you are asking.

i’m not for drowning people in hate but this is utterly useless and inferior for its price. just because you spent time on something doesn’t mean we have to like it or pay extra for it. professional companies charging the same price have nowhere saying they spent a lot of time and effort on it, instead they have useful and proven features to offer in their software.

or if that’s not for you maybe just use an ai generator that doesn’t cost money??

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I am honestly pretty fond of all these AI products. Don’t get me wrong, I am not against AI in our lives. It definitely has some good benefits that help us everyday (I even use it). But really, I would rather support a person and not use machined art. Personally, I would save up for a few months and hire a proper digital artist instead of going for one of your subscriptions. This offers:

  • Better and more personalized results. The artist can get in touch with the customer at any time to get feedback or directions on their work.
  • I do not need another subscription in my life.
  • Supporting human work and true art.
  • AI generated images don’t even look that good (but that’s just my opinion). They are missing a bit of something that a human creation just does better for me.

Overshadowing people with actual skills with a cashgrab product that just uses API calls to an image generation endpoint is not nice.