RDC 2020 Status Update

Hey developers,

We want to communicate that, as of right now, Roblox Developers Conference 2020 is still happening as planned. We’ve received a lot of questions about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and at the moment we do not plan to cancel the conference. Regardless, we encourage you to follow the steps provided by the World Health Organization on keeping yourself safe from the virus. We also advise that you read up and understand the refund policies of any airlines you plan on flying with, whether it’s for RDC or any other travel. In the event that we do have to cancel RDC, we will refund your hotel and RDC conference ticket purchases.

We would like to assure you that your health and well-being will always be our number one priority. We’ll continue monitoring the situation and keep you updated if anything changes.

In addition, invitation waves 3 and 4 have gone out! Make sure you check your Spam or Promotional folder!

Developer Relations


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Sticks and stones can break my bones but viruses will never hurt me.


No invite. :pensive:

Do you have an idea on when applications will be opened?


Thank you for communicating about this. I know a lot of people in the community had questions about what was going on with RDC.


Soon! We’re looking to get attendance sorted as quickly as possible for everyone’s convenience and peace of mind.


Any public info on what the invite criteria was?

No invite here.


Thank you for making this post. It’s getting tiring to repeat myself in the Save the Date post with people constantly asking the same thing.

Hopefully, see you at RDC!


Happy to see that this hasnt stopped the community from continuing to hold this tradition kuddos.


Thank you for letting us know! I was genuinely worried if you guys were gonna release a post about this but thanks you informing us about the situation. I’m a bit relieved that RDC is still being planned :smiley: I can’t wait to see you all at RDC!!!


I’m not gonna lie, this headline gave me a heart attack before I read this :sweat: But, glad to see this update and super excited to attend this July!


Still planned, but not 100% certain.

Please make sure you have alternatives for refunds etc if it is cancelled.


Very happy to hear that the event is still running as planned, hopefully this whole COVID-19 Pandemic fades out as we continue to move closer to the actual event dates!


I will just have to wait for applications I guess. I hope to see you guys there.


I am questioning why Roblox would continue RDC 2020 in the midst of a pandemic that is still active.

A lot of events have been either canceled (ex. NCAA Division I Basketball Tournament) or postponed (ex. Euro 2020)

It should be obvious that RDC 2020 should be canceled/postponed. The CDC has some guidelines on hosting an event during a pandemic.

Considering that the area surrounding RDC 2020 is currently on a lockdown, it should make sense to cancel it due to COVID-19.

(these are just my thoughts on this)


hoping to go to RDC this year, I’m going to apply as soon as applications are out!
hopefully everything will continue to go as planned!


The reasoning I see behind it is that as much as everything is shut down right now, RDC isn’t going to be happening until the end of July - so there’s still time for things to get fixed up and working again. I think the CDC recommended that at a minimum, things would be stopped for eight weeks, with it coming back alive again around May - so there’d be time for things to get back to normal and RDC to run. So I think it’s just a wait and see attitude right now, if things get impacted in July they’ll cancel it but we don’t know if it’s going to last for that long yet.


Great. I’m glad to here developers still have a chance of attending RDC. Thank you for addressing this to the community. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ayyy. Also I like how me and others in the RDC discord thought wave 2 was yet to be sent and the reality is actually wave 4