RDC 2020 Update

Oooh cant wait for the rdc event.

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Seeing as though it’s remote, is there a chance we will see invites being sent out to european developers? :pray:


Sounds fun, I hope I can participate by then. :grinning:

Wow! I have one question. Is there an age limit to enter RDC? I really want to go to RDC but I don’t think my qualifications are high enough. Hopefully, I can still come.

You needed to be over 13, and if under 16, attend with a trusted adult. although i don’t think we will need ‘trusted adults’ in the virtual conference.

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After going to RDC last year, I really hope I can go to this virtual one!


I think we will dont forgot this year RDC, because its will be virtual format not like other. Hope i get invited :grinning:
And I think this party will be cool!

link to the RDC party game

Roblox Developer Conference CD - Roblox


Oh cool! I love that Roblox is taking precautions!

One question, will non-invited people be able to participate aswell? As someone said before, this conference would be a livestream, so would non-invited people get to view the conference aswell?

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I can’t wait for this to happen, hopefully this is available to all developers.

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Dang, a virtual RDC sounds cool.

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well I just hope to be invited to the dev forum, I already have an experience on this, I will just wait for the forum invitation, I will go with some developer friends


I think the same: Or, if they invite me, it will be my first DRC after 3 years

Hopefully this is available to everyone, this is exciting!

I’m still curious as to how it will be done. Is it on roblox or on another site?

So is this still invite only? Because I haven’t been invited yet. Are there any more waves of invites being sent out?

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Wow thats a very nice update i hope i can be a devforum member soon

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Will RDC virtual mean you still have to pay for admission? Or no? Hope to see you there!

thanks for this update I hope you give more support and give us more innovative features and I hope that being virtual they give us applications to be in the meeting thanks

If there’s one RDC I’d be able to go to, its this one. As I’m only 13, and I always want to go to RDC, but sadly, my age says the entire problem. But since this one is virtual, I wouldn’t have to go anywhere. I’d be able to listen to the new updates releasing and seeing what’s gonna happen with Studio. I hope even tho I may be too young to attend it, it would be a blast to “be there” virtually.

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I just don’t like that people pre-assume they will be getting invited sorry. Not invite yet ( obviously)