Readd Player:Kick() newlines and make it scroll

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to format kick messages properly.

For a while now, the \n character has been nonfunctional in Player:Kick() calls.. This has made kicking players significantly worse, because now instead of this:


You have been banned for Using exploits to attempt to trigger remote events.
This ban will be lifted in 30 days.

Ban by: @darkpixlz

You’ll have to do this instead, because of the lack of newlines and the short character limit:

[Game]: You have been banned for exploiting. This ban will be lifted in 30 days. Ban by @darkpixlz.

That just makes my eyes hurt. It’s hard to understand and it’s confusing, a solution newlines previously allowed for.

Roblox’s excuse for removing features or not adding highly requested ones is usually “mobile support” or performance issues. The old one used to do this if you tried:

Instead, it can just scroll. Cap out at a certain height like 300px, and the rest will be available by scrolling. In the end, removing the ability to make text more readable just hurts developers.

This would also allow for longer character limits, to allow more descriptive kick messages. Something like 400 would be a lot better for more useful reasoning, and would eliminate the need to make a place to show them the full reason they were banned.


I agree, we need multi-line in player:Kick() method!!!


According to a Roblox representative:

This was recently changed intentionally to fix an exploit, so is expected behavior.
Any sequence of spaces and newlines is now collapsed into a single space character, and the length of kick messages is limited to 200 characters.


The post is asking for a change to that behavior so multi-line kick messages can be restored.


Doesn’t [[]] method work with this case?

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For like one line only, the rest of tho r message gets screwed up


Yes, we need this feature back minus the exploit. Kick messages wouldn’t look ugly anymore.

I’m so sick of this too! Assuming… you also hate the fact that mobile users hold back all these great feature requests.

I got very confused when all my new lines disappeared. Then, I realized, it’s just Roblox. Love developing on an unstable platform. Can’t move to Unity now either. I’m stuck.


I’m pretty sure Luau/Lua runs on C++ anyway, you could easily embed it

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I also agree, This feature should be added back. It’s a pain that we aren’t able to have more descriptive and easier to read kick messages. I also think they should raise the character limit to like 500 or just add a scrolling frame. As, I have looked through the CoreGui stuff it looks like they use regular frames and a TextLabel for the kick message. I hope they either enable RichText or add the \n character back.

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My question is why remove the new line character and limit the number of characters when there are different ways to fix the underlying exploit that triggered this change to begin with? Of course, I don’t know what the exploit is/was, but I’m sure there’s a different way to correct it other than screwing over the developer community.


This is Roblox not listening to the community from time and time again. Roblox never asked the community for ways to solve the problem. Instead they just completely removed a useful feature for all developers.


This kinda stuff makes me sad. Roblox is now a soulless corporation who ignores its community who made them rich in the first place. No matter how much people defend them, it’s true. Feature requests are almost always outright ignored and bug reports are a massive pain to have listened to. I get there’s “priority” stuff but everybody deserves a response of some sort. If you’re interested in real game development, please do not use Roblox.

Even when you do offer viable solutions to issues, they’re either ignored, or you get “focus on the problem rather than the solution”. I don’t know how much longer of this platform’s crap I can take


I think if their feature requests had a voting feature it would be more productive as they can sort them through which feature, they should focus on more. The more upvotes a feature has the higher the priority of that feature. I doubt that Roblox will do that though because it seems as they won’t care much.

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vouch they should add this feature back

to fix the exploit they could just ban special unicodes from getting rendered in the kick message

or just like you said they could make it so you can scroll

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This would be really useful, and it’s sad to see it’s been months with no apparent staff response or reaction.

I’m already expecting this to be another drowned feature request that’s ignored for years, like so many others…


I’ve got plenty of those. We still don’t have incredibly basic UI features like individual corners or acrylic glass…

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True, but what about different languages. I’m not sure what format Roblox uses for wide characters, but many languages other than English use unicode characters to represent their glyphs. Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc…) use a huge amount of unicode code points to do that, so escape characters are needed to render those. If UTF-8 is being used, each character can take up to 4 bytes. So when they say characters, is that actual characters or is that in bytes?


Actually, there is already such a system in place. The like button can be used as a voting mechanism.