As a Roblox Player, it is currently too hard to change your controls!
If this issue is addressed, it would improve my ROBLOX experience because, For example, the PRINT SCREEN button. In my opinion, I want to take a screenshot with F1, because it is much closer to the regular controls to walk (WASD). The point is to allow the player to change their controls at the help menu, Like “Backpack”, “Record Video”, “Chat”, “Playerlist”, etc. If these controls are changeable it would make the game experience much better!
The only problem with this is a control might be used by the game already. For example, if a “Sell” button in a game is E and you want to set the Chat button to E, what would happen? Would both the “Sell” button and Chat activate at the same time, or would only one of them activate? It could mess up some games’ controls if players set their controls to the same as the game. One way to fix this would be to let developers add their own keybinds to the menu, so that all keybinds are in the same menu.
A recent update also had the same sentiment expressed about the ability to rebind keys (more specifically by the developer, not the user). Here’s a staff reply regarding that.
I think if roblox does implement this it does need to have some warnings with it, unfortunately ALOT of games don’t use contextactionservice so they might not be as lucky with this as games that actually do utilize it but for games that DO use contextactionservice if its overriding with a keybind that is set by the game developer have a warning popup letting the user know about it.