Reduced Minimum Part Size - Released Everywhere!

We think we might be able to make teeny-tiny part collisions “just work” in the future using some form of continuous collision detection. The only thing we can promise is that that won’t ship this year.

We thought this was a worthwhile interim solution, even if the discrepancy is a little odd.

The alternative option was to make parts sized smaller than the limit implicitly disable collisions entirely. Problem is that this sets an expectation that collisions for parts smaller than a particular size are ignored. That expectation would later prevent us from fixing collisions for even smaller parts in the future without it being a breaking change. That eyeball you forget to set collision group on suddenly stops your character from moving through a barrier.

Doing it this ways maintains a consistent expectation: If you do not want collisions with this part, you must disable CanCollide or use collision groups or NoCollisionConstraints. Otherwise you may still get collisions, albeit less reliably at small sizes.

We expect that making collisions more reliable at small sizes in the future will just be a non-breaking improvement on unreliable and inconsistent behavior that existed before this change.


That’s really cool! I’m 100% for this update

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Epic, now we can make more detailed builds. Thanks for the update!


My question: Are you being able to union part when the part size is under 0.05?

I wanna say, thank you for making this update for a developer. Now, this will be easier for developers to make some good and fantastic-looking high-detailed models! Even, I can finally resize my model to even… EVEN SMALLER than ever! I can’t wait to try this update, and I can’t wait for this beta feature to be released so… Developer can now use 0.001 studs for making models!

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I can now create the most realistic paper and paths on Roblox.
This is actually great ngl, can really add detail to building.

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Didn’t think I needed it until recently, now its here!

This will come in handy especially for me doing things like making to scale bikes and small parts like shifters and cable.

best update ive seen in a long time, thx roblox


Before this, you could not. If you set the size, it would correct to 0.05. Not sure if it applies to the resize but I assume it does.

That’s just negligible so it wouldn’t be anything so just set transparency to 1 and your block size to 0.5, 0.5, 0.5. And you would have technically a 0 stud block.

Yes! This is so awesome. Thank youuu!

will this affect players and npcs (humanoids)?

:0 Really excited for CCD coming in the future, would it be enabled for all parts default or would it be a bit expensive and have to be manually set?

This will be excellent for myself for detailing morphs and working on smaller details for builds and assets. Especially because most of my current asset development is based around real life simulation such as roleplay communities and roblox schools.

technically it would be an invisible block

it will appear like a 0 stud block, but it isn’t technically a 0 stud block

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Good, now do 10000 by 10000 by 10000 stud parts

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This is a very welcome change! Previously if you imported a flat mesh (only two triangles) it would not be visually flat. (This was a problem for me because I had some flat textures that needed SurfaceAppearance support which is only available for MeshParts.)

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Does this also mean that we can use smaller scales? (I’d love to set increments of .0625 at times since I base myself on .125 most of the time.
Lowering the minimum size is already big, however that’d make the process of creating detailed objects so much more streamlined and efficient.


10,256 of course.

Now we wait for the divided by zero obbies, for they shall monetize raging players.


Great update! Didn’t this used to be a feature though?

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