Regarding ''Error Code 46"

Alright, I know this should better be at the Bug report channel, but due to Roblox removing any possible chance to rank up to Regular, I’m forced to write it here.

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I coded a music player that loads in music and plays it. I am completely 100% sure that the code is working since 50% of the songs I put in work.

  2. What is the issue?
    Well, the other 50% don’t work. They all come with the error message

Failed to load sound _____________: error code 46

Both when I try playing it in game with a script, and when I put it manually inside a Sound emitter.

Here’s the script that plays the music if anyone is interested.

local MusicList = require(game.ServerScriptService.MusicList)
local Debounce = false


if not Debounce then
Debounce = true
local MainFrame = Player.PlayerGui.MusicGui.MainFrame

  for i,Table in pairs(MusicList) do
  	local NewTemp = MainFrame.Template:Clone()
  	NewTemp.Parent = MainFrame.ScrollingFrame
  	NewTemp.Text = Table[1]
  	NewTemp.Artist.Text = Table[2]
  	NewTemp.ID.Value = Table[3]
  	NewTemp.Position =,0,0,(i - 1) * 50)
  	NewTemp.Visible = true
  local ScrollerSize = #MainFrame.ScrollingFrame:GetChildren() * 50
  MainFrame.ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize =,0,0,ScrollerSize)
  MainFrame.Parent.LocalScript.Emitter.Value = script.Parent.AudioEmitter
  MainFrame.Visible = false
  MainFrame.Visible = true
  Debounce = false


  1. What solutions have you tried so far?

I’ve tried putting in many other audios to see if they work. Among them was this one

However it’s not the only one. You can see that if you try to play this song in the website, you can hear it perfectly fine, meaning Roblox hasn’t removed it. But it also doesn’t play in game.

If anyone has knowledge of what ‘error code 46’ is, I’m all ears to hear!


May wanna look at this if it helps you by any chance?


Yes, I’ve read that before as research. But much of it is hearsay and speculation. There’s no hard answer to solve it at all.

Therefore I’ve sent a more comprehensive guide to how to replicate the issue here.

I currently have the same problem. The worst part is that my sound worked amazing just the day before. But today the sound won’t play. It’s not copyrighted, and works on the site.



I thought I was the only one this happened to, maybe a error with upload?

Potentially your audios were uploaded as two mono tracks, the other day Roblox has made it so that 2 mono tracks are unplayable in-game in an effort to reduce the amount of bypass audios (error code 46 occurs when trying to play one).

If you don’t know what a 2 mono track is, here is a good website that explains what it is:


I have been getting this same error with some audios in the past few days. My best guess was that this was due to copyright in some way (as previously mentioned), but hopefully there will be some sort of official confirmation as to what this recent error is all about.

Any copyrighted music or just music in general uploaded by any unofficial record labels on Roblox - roarin, audio gens, etc - display error code 46 when you try to play them in-game now. This is likely why your music is no longer working.

Does that include audio you’ve commissioned roblox composers to make too?

That can be sorted out with support, pretty sure.

The method of bypassing the copyright Bot has been solved, I’m not sure where the Bot gets the tracks from.

If it’s OC or non-copyrighted work then it shouldn’t be an issue. But as Shutz said just contact support and they should be able to help you with that.

That has to be speculation as I uploaded an MP3 File that was around 30 seconds long and it encountered this issue after about a day or two.

This is happening in certain games, I was playing the game with radio gear, tried to play a song but it printed error code 46 with audio id. It appears to be not an issue with copyrighted music because Roblox uploaded audios are still having issues so.

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All that this means in the music you’re using has been removed from Roblox for copyright reasons.