Release 447 broke camera controls

Alright, thank you. It’s fixed, just tested it out. Hopefully larger games get the playercount back up. Thank you for the lighting quick response!

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This happened to me yesterday, it’s still a little broken for me. Are you a mac user? Most of my friends who had this problem are mac users, like me. I can’t attach a video here sadly, found any solutions?

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The problem has been fixed, they reverted the camera changes so they can fix them and re-release. Glad to know the quick response resolved this.

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Oh thanks, it’s still broken for me, not sure why. Every game I join my camera is broken. @colbert2677 I’m pretty sure if it has something to do with mac users.

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Not sure if this is related and I didn’t see this mentioned…So for me, I’ve noticed over the past 2 days (In Studio) It’s no longer possible to pan/zoom when holding down the middle mouse button. It pops you all over the place. A lot of the time it takes you down below the 0 Y level. Attached is a video clip from studio.

Reproduced on Dell laptop, and HP PC, tried several different mice.

robloxapp-20200912-1051358.wmv (1.5 MB)


if you use the default Mac mouse, it actually creates a glitch where you can’t zoom without the I/O keys, I found the problem of it and it’s actually problems with the trackpad support roblox has, I edited my post showing the cause of the problem Horizontal scroll w/ mouse wheel breaks camera zoom and instead tilts camera - #82 by FastKnight401

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Thanks. Is there a some sort of temporary solution for it? I use a trackpad and it’s still broken.

Haven’t found a solution except for just not using a side scroll mouse, I don’t find it much of an issue as I use the I/O keys but for some games, it is a problem, I don’t really know how to fix it on a side scroll mouse

Thank you, hope this gets fixed.

Has the release been re-implemented? I just noticed the bug occuring again. I’ll link the videos below. The mobile zoom issue is the problem. It was fixed for a bit.


The CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Follow also stopped working. It behaves like Track. It does not rotate to follow the subject like it used to. You can try it in my game Growing Up: get the radio controlled car in the gas station. Now the player has to rotate the camera manually.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.

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This issue should now be resolved! If this issue is still occurring, please create a new topic for us to look into.


I just noticed this issue again. I havent dealt with it in a few weeks, but now its back.

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Hello, I’m also getting a bug within studio, where if i click and drag, it like glitches my mouse to the centre of the screen. I have a gif here that displays what i am describing.

Does anyone else have this issue? It seems to only be studio that has this and now in roblox game itself.


This gif was taken on an empty baseplate with no scripts or plugins


Same issue here. The “Attach” Feature doesn’t behave like it used to.

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Edit: Arrow Key speed is fixed again.

I’d like to add that the left and right arrow key camera rotation speed has also been reset to what is was when the update first released for no apparent reason.
I’m assuming some kind of reset or re-implementation happened, because there is no reason for this to be reverted.

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Its seems as of recently, the controls have been broken again.
Camera inversion (which was also broken in the initial incident, but isn’t noted anywhere) is now broken again too.
These issues have returned since last week (Update 449).

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Issues are more minimal compared to Release 447. Having issues where player is unable to zoom out/in when CameraType is set to CameraType.Attach.


Exact same issue here. Waiting for a staff member to give us an update.