Release Notes for 629

Do you guys get to post when you fixed a large code reconstrucion so we get notified like with the release notes

I’m experiencing a lot of problems and it’s quite difficult to edit my games in studio, like I can’t properly select things in explorer the way I usually do (ctrl + click), other random objects I’ve selected before get selected
Also issues with pasting sounds, packages not refreshing and etc.
If you guys are working on new explorer then at least have it roll out within a beta feature

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See if that’s fixed now, we literally just rolled out something that may fix what you’re seeing there.

There’s a fix for that which should be out early next week.

It certainly will be, there’s no way we could transition something as important as the Explorer without some initial bugs we will need a beta to work through :slight_smile:


I never thought the day would come… Now I don’t have to cut and paste workspace! Awesome QOL change.

I’m not sure how frequently this may occur, but I do feel like if it’s this early in to larger changes, it shouldn’t block fixing issues occurring in production.

I understand timelines adjusting and avoiding promising, these things are always difficult.

If a “priorities may change” situation occurs, I just hope the bug report isn’t still being dismissed because of prior speculative plans that were put aside.


It often doesn’t. It’s a sliding scale, depending on impact, difficulty, how far out a fix is, etc. If it’s an actual regression (an interaction which did work before broke) it’s likely to be fixed regardless, almost certainly if it impacts live experiences.

Most of what we’re talking about here is the grey area of stuff that never worked correctly in the first place or is still working like it did but doesn’t interact correctly with a new feature which has since been added.


There is an example and it’s not being noticed for 3 months even though it’s constantly on top of the page, it impacts everyone greatly and is definitely easy to fix


I reported this issue half a year ago with scrollbar cutting off text in text chat service new chat, this is the simplest fix imaginable and it’s not even noticed:

Another example with extra space in chat message:

And another example I reported myself with very simple fix - adding debounce:


I sort of agree with @Dekkonot, that was kind of my thought too. I think putting the APIs like this into a landfill is probably better than littering in front of the store you got them from (best analogy I could come up with, maybe a little harsh sounding lmao), because then you kinda know where to go to find these things and they won’t end up populating other services.

E.g. if everything related to prompting built in plugins and features and editors and stuff is all on StudioService then you won’t have to go looking at services that might or might not be related to what you want, and you won’t encounter these APIs as much when most of the code you end up writing is game code.

At the very least as long as it’s consistent and predictable I think I am still happy.

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This hasn’t been fixed yet.

It’s not fixed yet, it’s still selecting random objects without highlighting them in explorer