Removal of Experimental Mode

Would have been nice if this was communicated better. However I’m not one to complain about a bump when in the end we got what we wanted.

It broke my heart to be locked out of my favorite classic (and favorite in general) games, and I can now sleep much more peacefully knowing that I can still walk through the hollowed remains and experience a part of the feeling of some of my most beloved memories and favorite all time experiences.


Finally! Thank you! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Would be nice for moderation to go through the games the put under review for being non-FE and re-open them now e.g.:


Words cannot express my gratitude. Ever since Experimental games underwent lockdown, I’ve been bombarded with help requests by hundreds of different Groups. I’m still going to release FE tech for them, but now there’s less urgency and panic in the community.

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Thanks for noting it. We will look more into those games and update the thread once we have more information.


For anyone still using Roblox’s classic build tools, I have released the filtering compatible versions that I made for Super Nostalgia Zone. They are designed to be safe against practical exploits!

The original HopperBins will no longer work online, since they are 100% clientside.


This is cool, too, I guess.

This is frustrating, for some of us still. I personally don’t have the coding experience or time due to having a job and such to dedicate any significant amount of time to amending my games to FE compatible code. The game I’ve been working on tirelessly for 5 years or so now is completely broken now and I don’t have the time to re code the whole entire game from scratch. Thanks.


How significant would you say the damage is?
Is it unable to comply with the server/client model, or is it just minor quirks?

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Pretty much every script, gui, and vehicle is broken. The only thing working is an intro camera script.

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We have spoken, and Roblox has listened.

I am hugely thankful of you, Roblox, for deciding to make the change to this update. You have just saved Roblox’s culture by doing this, and you have made the FE process so much simpler and secure for all Roblox users.

For all of you scripters that have had their coding bugged by the FE, I apologize for the work you are going to have to put in to make your scripts FE compatible, but this change, I believe, is personally for the better. Let us hope that you will be able to fix your games with the auto-FE feature, and let us hope FE may one day be updated so that it has a smaller chance of braking code.

Do you have a link to this game?

Yeah, this one here:
Wolf Ridge Bike Park

i’m really upset to see this broken, it’s the only thing that’s kept me on this site trying to make games.

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I really love this game, I use to play it a lot and I still play it from time to time.
Wolf, I’m not sure if you’d be up to letting people do this but maybe you could get a team together and try to have them help recode your game?

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I’ve been considering that but I don’t really know any devs or programmers, let alone have any thing to pay them with.


Very great choice! Glad to see we’re moving in the right direction. :grin:

Well that’s cool


Honestly love you so much for creating that and making it public, I love those tools so much lol.

i’m sure that some people would be willing to volunteer.

Been waiting a while for this update, honestly glad its here.

Experimental mode was pretty much obsolete, happy Roblox is permanently moving away from it.