Reopen Member To Regular Promotions Please!

Very exciting to hear! Hope it comes soon :slight_smile:

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That would be amazing. I think most of us would love that, including myself.


Many DET employees have stated “soon” or “next week”, and some employee even said “before next year” (in 2020 :joy:), so I’m pretty used to that. Hopefully we’ll have a solution soon as the current inequality has to stop.

However, Kero seems serious about fixing the major problems at the community, so I trust that they’ve got good plans.


I have to agree with this post, re-open the Regular role.

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I second this. I have experienced many bugs in the mobile app and have been frustrated as there is no way for me to report them. It seems that bug reports is locked to regulars only. If ROBLOX were to re-open promotions to regular, it would mean that I and many other ROBLOX users could finally have a chance to be able to report bugs and have them squashed, instead of living with them in your face for the rest of your life.


Thanks for all the feedback on various issues regarding the bug reporting workflow. We’re very aware of these issues and understand that the current situation prevents you from effectively providing us with feedback.

We’re going to be shifting more internal resources towards prioritizing creator feedback workflows (not just adding patches here and there as has been the case since ~Sep 2020). I will try to be as transparent as possible about things we are planning to roll out as we finish planning and things become more clear, and get feedback from the community early on where appropriate.

Many thanks for continuing to push on these issues and we really appreciate your patience! :pray:


The access issue is solved for bug reports now due to the Big Bug Reporting Update.

Everybody here in the current topic that made a post or Liked one of the posts (as of Mar 19) has had their join request accepted if they submitted one.

For everybody else that participates here later than this reply, please follow the instructions in the linked announcement above on how to get your join request in. We are slowly accepting people from the backlog to make sure we don’t overwhelm internal teams, but it is our goal to clear out the backlog. It will take us some time before we’re caught up with requests so appreciate your patience here.

This resolves the issue for all bug reporting categories.

For the feature request side of the matter, I am consolidating the threads into one thread, namely this one: All forum users should have a path forward to be able to post in feature requests - #154 by Hooksmith.

Please check out the update I posted there for further information. I will close this thread so that all further discussion is centralized in the thread above.

Thank you for posting this and for your patience so far as we work through these issues!