Replace Texture: A Plugin that finds and replaces Decals and Textures

Hey fellas, I’m Phantomazing. I typically do the graphics and the modeling, but I can program too. So inspired by this tweet from EvilArtist, I made a plugin that finds textures in Decal or Texture objects, and replaces them with whatever you specify.

It changes all the decals or textures (your choice) in the workspace...

Hey look at all these decals in that scene. So you plug in an ID to find, and an ID to replace it.

Look at that. The textures are replaced. It’s also pretty liberal with what kinda stuff you put into the boxes if you haven’t noticed. Can do stuff without IDs like rbxasset and rbxgameasset too.

...or you can limit it to selected stuff.

If you don’t have anything selected, it does the entire workspace. If you do have a thing or two selected…

Only the selected stuff gets changed. Take note that it goes through the descendants of your selections.

And for the sake of demonstrating the "Replace Texture" button.

Works on textures too. Watch this. (Also see that rbxasset?)

Wow. You can also limit it to selections too. Funny story, Texture is a subclass of Decal and I spent a good hour overthinking the logic behind making Decals change ONLY Decals and vice versa. IsA(“Decal”) returns true for Textures.

So what’s next? It’s looking like expanding it to all classes, all properties is a possibility. Will take some time because I am a broke and busy college student. But I’m up to the task.

Anyway feel free to leave any feedback, or questions. I’ll also be sure edit in plenty of afterthoughts to this post.

EDIT (2/23) I see this post finally got approved. Later tonight I’m going to spruce up the code a bit and record a gif of it for a Twitter post. I might add a mesh replacer; we’ll see though.


This could be very useful for those who use temporary textures prior to making a final one.


Sounds handy, I created several loops to run in command bar to find and replace certain textures with lower res when I was trying to combat mobile crashes by reducing client side texture MB usage.