Request: Posting Bug Report - "Unable to resize DXGI swapchain"

When in Studio my screen randomly appears to freeze for a few seconds, flash black then crash all my Roblox instances. After this, the following error message is spammed in my Output:

One way I appear to be able to recreate the crash is by testing in Play Solo and taking a screen shot using the ‘prt sc’ key.

I’ve been experiencing this bug for over a month now however only recently has it started happening frequently and crashing me multiple times a day. This has happened in various places of mine.

Other developers have posted this issue but it appears to not have been acknowledged so far:

System specs:
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.99GHz
RAM: 16 GB

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