"Requested Game is Full, Retrying" Loop when attempting to join 1 Player Max Games

I’ve noticed that whenever I try to join a game where the maximum players per server is 1, I get met with an unending loop of “Requested Game is Full, Retrying”.
The game title and thumbnail image are both not present.
I have replicated the bug when attempting to join 2 of my games where I have set the maximum players per server to 1, with nobody else currently playing the game



This has been an issue for over 2 years with no fix.

I suggest you create a 50p server and send people through to private servers where you have your lobby, because this will probably not be fixed this year either.


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If I may add to this, this only happened to me when I was attempting to join PlaceRebuilder’s place while being in a party I had no idea I was in, so that’s where your problem might lie.

What’s weird is that I’ve only recently been having this issue. Past 6 months with this game’s max players set to 1 and no issue.

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