ResampleMode - New Property for Image GUI Objects

You guys have legitimately granted any pixelartist’s wishes with this update alone, thank you for this amazing update


I’m especially happy about the magnification option, much more clear pixelated images really reminds me of older games that had the texture res bumped up on emulators.

Though, does the said feature mainly work best with just pixelated images, or this can apply well to any one?


Will we have more ResampleMode options in the future?


Great feature. In my opinion it’s one of the best UI features in a long time. But as others have stated, I’d love to see this on other image objects (such as textures)


This is good for Purple Skittles or Purple Skittles 2 if zKevin is wants to make it


For all of you wondering about textures and particles, see this reply from the release notes.


woah! this is perfect for small pixel art that appears in game! one of the best updates, not gonna lie (:

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Ditto. Actually being able to use low res textures would be a great way to reduce memory usage.

Very happy about this change, it will make my GUI development easier.


Unexpected feature, really unexpected.

It’s not relevant, but considering how Roblox insist in their rthro stuff, those pixels render is perhaps the exact opposite direction Roblox want users to work on.

We might see pixeled games, it’s gaming time.


I wanted this new feature to be on Roblox before, and now is here! Thanks for the update, images will look way more nicer now!!

I make a lot of 2d games so this is a much appreciated change. This will make a lot of projects a bit easier for me that before would’ve been much more frustrating to deal with.

Finally I can export my UI at it’s normal resolution! Thank you!

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wow this is really cool! this might be useful for some textures. might find my self using this.
Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 5.00.54 PM
making textures like this not blury will be useful.


This is the best change so far for me, this is going to help me a TON in 2D Game development, which I am a big fan of.

Imagine, imagine just entering a roblox game that looks like this

Just tested it out, this looks amazing.

Here comes the pride of 8 bit games!


Now this wonderful feature is here, decal:
/texture support must come in the future!


Love the change and would love to see it extended to other instances with image and texture properties. Though I don’t reall understand why you didn’t just name them NearestNeighbor and Bilinear instead.


Probably to make it easier to understand.

But it’s just more confusing this way for anyone attempting to use this feature. Instead, they should have made them Default, Bilinear and NearestNeighbor, where default just points to bilinear. Adding any other interpolation types in the future will just cause confusion.


Oh my god… Finally, I was waiting for this!!
When will this come to textures and decals?


Now we can choose to filter for the image. We can finally make pixel games or PS1-styled games without high-resolution textures that still look a little bit blurry if you look close to it. If this also applies to textures, we can also make voxel games like Minecraft.