Resurface Speed Slow

When you are in water and you hold space there is a certain speed that you have ( a.k.a. resurface speed), how can you modify that? I tried through jumppower, seemed intuitive but it’s not that. Cheers!

According to this post I don’t think there is anyway to change it other then adding a BodyForce:

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Yeah, thanks! I thought it might be something else though.

Yeah well you could use UserInputService to see when they press space, and you could check if Player.Character.HumanoidStateType == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming. If it is, then you could add a BodyForce. Then use UserInputService.InputEnded to see when they stop pressing space, once they stop pressing space then take out the BodyForce.

True, but don’t forget that you’d have to spend resources on checking when they got out of water so you can stop the bodyforce.

Yeah true, and I guess you would have to check every second so that could cause lag.

Not really, there might be an optimized way, it’s just that roblox is forcing these manual ‘fixes’ instead of opening their ears and implementing stuff. Thanks for the heads up!

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