I heavily doubt it. If they were planning this, they would probably mention it in the post considering it’s a big deal. (also I really don’t know why everything has to be automation based.
I agree, after so many people asking, the ability for a developer to prompt a user to join a group should definitely be on the roadmap.
Are there plans on adding hover video previews on the discovery page? Like how on youtube when you hover over a video it will start playing it. If a game has a square “icon video” uploaded, that video should play on hover.
Would be useful if Roblox could provide an interface that shows the top 3,000 Roblox games in terms of CCU, regardless of platform or country, so developers could make more informed decisions in regards to market research.
The sorts barely goes past 50 games, if that at all. Such an amount is insufficient for deriving any meaningful insights. There definitely is use for showing that many games.
A bigger dataset makes patterns more apparent. And many games, especially in the hundreds if not more earn plenty of Robux one way or another. One should keep in mind how huge Roblox is. Well-monetized games with 100 CCU average can easily earn liveable wages.
stop putting my favourites at tne bottom and also making the “Continue” sort make no sense in how it ranks things.
Can we please just go back to it being the most recent games instead of some algorithmic black box. I’m all for improving discovery, but the fact a game I played 10 hours ago up and vanishes from Continue without needing to press the See More button is terrible UX.
In what world would a user ever want Continue to be anywhere but the very top of our home page? This “dynamic ranking” garbage makes no sense from a UX perspective. Why can’t we as the user who understands what we want better than your algorithm choose how sections on our home page are ranked?
I wouldn’t agree nor disagree. The tools and products the platform offers without cost are amazing, and I understand that Discovery and the Home Recommendation algorithm is one of them.
However, I’ve been noticing that games in my Genre (typically, Dungeon Crawlers, and RPGs) have been getting knocked off beyond (and without) recovery shortly after they are released.
I don’t think I was given enough time to grow my community, and I could not sufficiently iterate once I had plunged to 100 ccu from almost 2,000 ccu after launch.
We need a button to remove experiences from showing up as recommendations. Downvoting an experience currently does not remove it from recommendations and it can take weeks for an experience that users do not want to play/visit to stop being recommended to them repetitively.
" I really believe the algorithm should test new games with a small pool of people"
Noooo, absolutely not. You only need ~15k robux to launch your experience. It should NOT test poor quality just for the sake of testing. Optimize your thumbnails and metrics like session/retetion. The current algorithm is pretty good it just needs some help to weigh long term. But no everyone should be forced to advertise or there will simply be too much half finished garbage everywhere. Horribleeee idea.
Please please please please be very transparent about the changes to the for you recommendations and what might change in the future.
Also " * We will be introducing new sorts in Charts, including sorts for events, making it a prime surface to discover top-performing and popular content."
Seems like a very poor idea. Its time for NEW CHARTS?!?! I am pretty sure i enter charts and EVEYRTHING IS ALREADY top trending that says event in the right corner icon?! This is simply adding more redudancy and is a waste of time for the staff and will likely lead to no new gains for literally anyone?
Maybe ROBLOX is taking this events chart in a unique direction like small events not huge events, but i seriously doubt it. Everyone does. Again more UNNEEDED redundancy?
TBH Roblox is valid for delaying the genre filter. The genre filter should exists for THE CHARTS PAGE ONLY NOT HOME PAGE. Home page is the best games with the best metrics get more impressions and it would make the chart page decent. But they might have just canned it.
Also “We need a button to remove experiences from showing up as recommendations.” yes even just a new button under play if clicked from recomdations hopefully they eventually add it… Something like IF player has played then allow them to remove the game from their recomdations…
Yeah, we make more casual, all audiences type games, and I’m pretty sure that makes our issues worse. The landscape for these types of games has turned hyper-competitive in the worst ways - it’s all about having the most clickable images and metadata, not about making the most fun game.
A couple years ago our games were in the tens of thousands of concurrent players, now we’re lucky if the most popular one reaches 2000 concurrent due to discovery being dramatically worse for us. I’m sure someone reading this will think “thousands of concurrent players!! why are you complaining??” but the unfortunate truth is that 2000 concurrent is barely enough to keep a games studio of 3 people working full-time afloat.
Releasing a game or even two every year is already difficult but something we have to do with how discovery has been working. Only getting stable impressions for the first few months makes it 10x more difficult still. Making a more niche game, like the ones you mention, is a massive risk for our small studio, because it is impossible to know what long-term discovery will look like in that niche.