Roblox 2D game engine! [Mega update]

Wow, this is unique, and interesting. Nice job!! x

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Hello developers!

The upside engine explorer is here!
Now you can use the Upside Engine Explorer using this plugin:
Upside Engine - Roblox

The plugin photo will be changed in the future.

New method
Engine method GetExplorerObjs()

if you see a bug remember report it in #・:space_invader:╎engine-bugs
join in the discord for this Discord

Happy development!

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omg howd you do it?!1!!/1?
super cool 5 stars

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Is that your shopping list ???


I still have the 2D Platformer Game ar UI using Roblox Studio Lua Engine Tho, I Currently adapting Mobile Controls with PC

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Awesome!, I hope to see more updates like this soon

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Fantastic work! I’m thrilled to use this for my future project. Tad confused though, could you make a short/long in depth video explaining the basics on how to set everything up?

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damn i keep seeing you everywhere i go :rofl:


Can’t seem to watch the video, just shows “0:00.”

Might be a devforum bug but im not sure


oh, i’m gonna edit it, thanks :+1:

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How do I import an image into a sprite?


If you need more help please ask in the help channel of the Upside Engine Community.
To import an image into a sprite just put like parent of the image the sprite. Example:

local UpsideEngine = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.UpsideEngine) -- Engine path
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local MyRenderScreen = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui")

-- params: Class: string, Properties: table
local MySprite ='sprite', { 

   name = "MySpriteName",
   position =, 0.5),
   size =, 0.5) -- The size always is scaled 


local MyImage ='static', {

   image = " ",
   size =, 1)


 -- I know this is ugly, but don't exists other way to do it actually.

The plugin is ez to use, create an object (from the first button), modify him from the properties window and done, you are using the plugin. To build the plugin objects you must use the start (this is gonna build all unloaded objects too crateds by scripting) method. You can read here the Documentation.


  • Create a game with UpsideEngine with the current version actually is hard, the next update is gonna make it more ez, but the next update is ridiculously big and for this motive, it will take a few months to publish.

  • If you want modify some object property only add a new attribute with the property name and his value. Example: (BackgroundTransparency, 0.5)

  • To create a sprite, I recommend create it by scripting, you can use like guide the reference project

  • To create an Image, just press the first button, and select static, then modify the Image property with the id of ur image. Example:


Im one year later i went for milk but amazing


Thanks for this amazing resource! :heart:
Although how would I go about implementing a custom chat bubble that hovers above the sprite?
Or is that already a thing?

Anyways, this resource is a big W!

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is not implemented by default, but it can be easily done.

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How so, if I may ask?
You could also contact me on your community server.

If that would be done il for sure get the plugin and try and make a multiplayer game!

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It is a bit long to explain so I will make a tutorial for the project website

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That is completely fine with me!

Once I get to know this engine better il definitely make something great!

Once done il show it to all of you!

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the next updates of the engine will be published in this post: 2D Game Engine | Upside Engine