Roblox account hacked by a ROBLOX ADMIN

I am pretty sure you must use the support form.


You can reply to the message they send after you create the form with text/attachments.

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thank you both for telling me this, ill go and use the support form right now and let you guys know how it goes

i just went and sent a request using the support form, replying to the email with footage and evidence of me on the account and details about my account that only i would know. this is about 5-6 attachments and like 6 pieces of proof so if they deny this request i would be quite shocked considering its obviously not me who changed the email.


It says due to a support ticket, so the most likely thing to of happened is that someone else gained enough information about you and your account to request an email reset due to losing the account or some other excuse it is then set to a temporary one. This then disables 2FA meaning your account is at a much higher risk. I would suggest signing out of all other accounts and changing your password to be very very long

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its weird because the new email that they set on my account ends with

Most likely a standard temporary support email.

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yeah but how could roblox support look at that new email and say “yeah that looks legit”

i feel like outsourced support workers would know the company they’re working for, and if its not done by someone from roblox im even more curious as to what the email which got this email changed looks like

ive found my old roblox accounts backup codes on my computer, however roblox has no way to login with these for some reason so i have instead been forced to attach these to my ticket with roblox support

im not really experienced with this topic but im pretty sure most of these emails are just bots, not actual humans replying to you. i had to keep replying a lot to the emails to get an actual human to help me out with an issue i was having

ill keep that in mind as this situation continues, thank youy for telling me that

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That’s called social engineering, somebody manipulated a support agent to convince them that OP account was hacked and they needed to urgently change their email as a way to prevent any unwanted changes.


Did you got an email with code to change email if not then roblox is responsible for this.

nope, i recieved no emails about a code or any attempts of logging into my account, all of a sudden one day im logged out of all devices and then i recieved that email about my account’s email being changed

Then it looks like roblox did this. Were you sending robux between accounts?

nope, this is the only account i hold my robux on and i havent moved it between other accounts at all

My only suspicion here is that someone was doing social engineering and managed to do change your email, but considering the new target email is is very interesting to see to say for the very least.


Did u used google email or roblox site on public internet, like airports or galleries? Or someone from your family could use your email?

Do you have any installed extensions in browser?

Only thing im getting someone could just delete code message from your email.

yeah i still have access to this email, and its the email i used to message them for my first ticket. i went on twitter about it a bit and messaged some people and also put this in their replies but it hasnt worked so far

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i do, but i havent logged in at those locations, i strictly log in at home to keep myself safe of potential hacks like this