Roblox and Xbox Chat

Hey there,

So I recently ran into an issue. where I was trying to figure out how I can create a chatbox for xbox players. I’m not sure if it violates ToS but before I do anything it’s good to check.

Can anyone confirm?


I think the reason that Xbox and PlayStation consoles don’t have text chat is because they have strict ratings for the game from ESRB and PEGI, so having something like text chat would mean that players can be exposed to inappropriate content that would violate these ratings. Xbox and PlayStation have messages and voice chat systems in place, but they are heavily monitored by Microsoft and Sony to ensure safety of the players, and ROBLOX will not allow those companies to have such powers of the players in their game in order to allow the integrity of their company.

This is the same reason why you can’t get mods on console for a lot of games, and games that allow them tend to moderate everything that is allowed into the game. ROBLOX does have censoring but it is quite easy to bypass if you spell things incorrectly and stuff along that line.

Giving the players a way to communicate is most likely against ToS because it then can jepordise the age rating of the game, and risk allowing the players to witness things that are above the 7(PEGI) or E(ESRB) rating that the game has been given.


I agree with this, I wanted to confirm to check and see. cause I didn’t want to further risk it.


I think a messaging system in your game should only be accessible for PC and Mobile users, just to stay safe. I don’t recall games that allow it on console


Apparantly according to this Developer Other roleplay games allow it.

Which seems blasphemie since the fact it Violates COPPA & Other types of EU Regulations & other stuff

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The game is 17+, so no it’s not because of ESRB , you can’t get mod on console because you can’t use the chat mod commands.

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Console guidelines state it clear that chat is not allowed at all on XBOX/PlayStation

Alright, I’m tried of not getting an answer.

Roblox has completely removed the old content agreement. Before, it used to issue you a warning box when you check marked the console box in the access settings. This is NO longer the case.

These seem to be guidelines, NOT requirements.

From what I’m gathering here, the suggestion to turn off the chat is PURELY a recommendation and is told to help improve the experience, not that its a requirement and that your game will go down if you don’t do these things.

  • Minimal controller input complexity
  • Accessible navigation control
  • Default controller navigation
  • No Chat Window

See how 3 of the 4 make NO sense as a requirement? These are suggestions, I do not believe these are requirements. If no chat window is a requirement, it should be communicated directly.

This warning is about the Experience guideline survey above that has no mention of communication methods such as text OR voice chat.

This statement confuses me, “there are no console-specific requirements outside of the best practices outlined in the new console guidelines”.
Does that mean these ARE requirements? or suggestions?

I would really like an answer to this question, I want to allow players to see chat, not really use it…


I agree with the annoyance. The console side of things have historically been neglected and not getting a more up-to-date and clearer response to this is frustrating. The only thing I can do for now is direct you to this quote:

Maybe if someone makes a feature request (documentation?), asking for clarification on chat on consoles, then maybe there’d be a response.

I’ve searched the forum in-depth before, but I guess it won’t hurt to check again on my end. I’ll update my response if I find anything.


This has been done multiple times, and it never gets a response


I searched for “chat Xbox” and “chat console” in the feature request category, this is the only one I found that is about Chat on Console/Xbox:

If there’s another feature request, I’d love to see it and support it. That said, yes, the post I mentioned above did not get a response.


The keyword work in “Does in-experience/platform text chat or chat with voice work for users on console?” makes me believe that Roblox is asking you to disable chat for consoles as it doesn’t work currently, and it may frustrate users who can see chat, but don’t realize that chat isn’t accessible by normal means on console.

That’s my interpretation, I’ve gone ahead and enabled chat for console, if Roblox comes knocking at my door I’ll let you guys know.

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I totally agree with that stance; hope it’s all well and nothing happens. Thanks for the reply!

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