Roblox Blur Issue

Your resolution is incorrect, the Roblox Thumbnail size needs to be 1280x720.

It blurs because it is the incorrect size.

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If we resize the image will it not blur? and how would it look on the game POV.?

Wait but isn’t the thumbnail size 1920x1080?

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I’m not sure what the ROBLOX must size be, that’s why I’m asking …

But wait… If Roblox scale’s it up than wouldn’t it be box blur instead of Gaussian blur?

You can upload multiple pieces at a resolution of 1024x1024 then place them side-by-side. If an uploaded image is larger than 1024 in any dimension it gets scaled down.
@Tomarty said this here:

1024x1024 is a square.

30 characters

Yeah, but If you cut them into 1024 dimensions and place them side by side, than it’ll look less blurry.

Right, but you have to understand I want this for a Cafe we have worked really hard on the game just for a squared thumbnail.???

Resizing the image is what causes the blur.

Scaling the image to the size you want would mess up the pixels, the image you posted on the post is 400x225 which is why Roblox is scaling it to 1280x720, which is causing the blur issue you’re facing.

You’d need to make your thumbnail 1280x720

I don’t think it’s 400x225 It clearly said 1920x1080

Just really confused.

Here’s more context to what I’m talking about

Your image is not 1920x1080.

Just look at this pictures you may understand a little bit:
When you upload it may look blurry, but cutting them and placing them side by side will look less blurry.


I’ll find another good solution for you if I could.

@HASNPLAYZ His image that he’s trying to upload isn’t the correct size, that’s his issue.

When I download the image he posted it’s not even 1980x1080.
His image is 400x225

Okay, let me summerize this in one post so it better understood.

@HASNPLAYZ Roblox does not lower the quality on your photo, that wouldn’t make any sense, and the only reason why the quality would be lower is because they had to scale the image to make it the right thumbnail size, which can either be 1280x720 or 1980x1080.

@Joeys2Valid The image you posted here is not 1980x1080, the size of this is 400x225

Whoever made this GFX did not give you the correct dimentions of your photo and that’s why you’re having a blur issue, because the photo is too small, this is what it would look like if I scaled it from 400x225 to 1280x720.

The reason why it does this is because the pixels on the image are being expanded, causing more blur on your photo and making the quality worse. Roblox scales images to the correct size because that’s how their thumbnails are suppose to be sized.

You will need to re-do the image and get the correct size for it.

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My GFX artist is @DAVALEX77 He said it’s 1280x720 now I’m still waiting for it to approve.

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The picture you uploaded in this topic it’s not even close to 1280x720, I tried to check it but it was 400x225 please make sure that your picture is sized correctly. You may picked a wrong sized image from your GFX artist.

The size is the main problem, if you correct it may not cause any blur thing.

Like I just said he just now made it 1280x720 I’m still waiting on the image to be approved…