So, I am making more tutorials on this forum. As a clothing designer I struggled to get started since there was not any modern guides that really go in depth with the basics, terminology and the advanced stuff. Here I will hopefully cover all of that.
Of course I will answer any questions in the replies of this post, and I will keep it up to date as much as I can. If you see that I missed something, you can let me know and I will add it.
The Basics
The Basics
The basics will be explaining what programs to use, the difference between softline and hardline and how to use the templates
So, there is a bunch of programs you can use and I will list them.
PC [Win/Mac]:
Paint. net
( A really simple program that I will be using for this guide)
Adobe Photoshop
Paint 3D
Mobile [Android/IOS]:
ibis Paint X [Most Popular]
Pixel StudioPreformatted text
So roblox offers a basic template used for shirts and pants, we will take that one and trow it straight into the garbage can. Templates are always the same, they will be used for all types of clothing and they can be customized to display the designer’s side art or what ever they want to put there.
Keep in mind that the background of the template will be looked at when uploading an clothing asset and can result in a punishment by Roblox if deemed inappropriate.
I will be explaining how to use this template later, but here is how it should go on a ‘showcase template’
And here is how a normal showcase template would look like:
And that pretty much covers the usage of templates.
Softline and Hardline
So, the clothing/asset types are always divided by them being softline or hardline.
These two are a form of ‘drawing’ and appearance, hardline will always be black and the details will just have a different opacity, while softline will have colored lines with the details being darker or lighter than the base color.
Now from a far it doesn’t look that much different.
But when you look closer, the difference is more easy to notice.
The hardline side looks like the older generation of clothing, while softline looks better in my opinion, hardline can look amazing if done right. I prefer to do softline, but the difference is only the colors so it is not that hard to convert.
Here are some examples of really great hardline clothes:
By Aegus [Wintervale group]
By Ronin [Wintervale group]
Here are some examples of really great softline clothes:
Starter to Paint Net
Okay so, I will count that you have paint. net open, and I will assume that you are very confused, so let me get started.
Here is an overall guide on paint net, make sure to click on the image to see everything.
Now onto a more detailed guide.
1 - Creates a new layer.
2 - Deletes the selected layer.
3 - Duplicates the selected layer.
4 - Merges the selected layer with the layer below.
5 - Moves the selected layer up and down.
6 - Opens the layer editing menu.
A1 - Changes the visibility of the layer,
A2 - Changes the blend mode of the layer, this will change the way that the layer shows when above another layer.
A3 - Changes the opacity of the layer, used for hardline effects.
A4 - Changes the layer name
A5 - Discards the changes made by you
A6 - Saves the changes
History Bar
This is pretty easy to understand, you click the arrows to go reverse your actions.
Drawing Board
The drawing board doesn’t really have much stuff, you can use everything from the tool bar on this to create art, edit pictures and more.
Color Wheel
A - Changed the color from primary to secondary
B - RGB Selection
B1 - Changes the red value in a color.
B2 - Changes the green value in a color.
B3 - Changes the blue value in a color.
B4 - Changes the HEX (Hex is something like a color ID)
C1 - HSV Selection
C2 - HUE Selection
C3 - Saturation Selection
C4 - Value Selection
C5 - Opacity Selection
F - Color Palette
G1 - Color Wheel
Tool Bar
So, I will not be explaining every tool, since I am trying to make this in less than and week and it will not help if I list everything I see.
You will learn about the tools I use daily when making clothing.
Pencil [P]
Draws pixels in a selected color, doesn’t have any special settings to it.
Color Picker [K]
Selects the color you click on a layer.
Magic Wand [S]
The magic wand, my favorite tool.
Will select the color you click and allow you do edit it.
If you hold [Shift] It will select every instance of the color you clicked weather its connected or not.
The Tolerance should be at maximum 20% to ensure best usage.
There is two flood modes, contiguous and global.
Contiguous will select the same color but not every instance of it.
Global will select every instance of the color on the layer
Clicking [Backspace] on your keyboard while having one color selected will change the selected color to the one you picked in the color wheel, this is really useful when making softline clothing assets.
Paint brush [B]
The paint brush is a tool that can be useful when shading or making wrinkles, I will be explaining this later.
So I am done with the explaining of the tool bar, there is so much tools but too little will from me to write a description on them, if you have any questions regarding these you can ask in the replies.
This will mostly contain the properties of every tool and the basic settings for every image editor ever, there is not much to explain here, you can look around and play with it a little bit. I will show important things in it later on.
A) Without antialiasing (I prefer)
B) With antialiasing
Starter to designing
So, you will probably spend a lot of time sitting here and trying to recreate what I did. We will be making a shirt with the softline style, put a graphic onto it, texture and put some cool wrinkles onto it.
Drawing the shirt
So, lets start.
We will grab our advanced drawing template and beging drawing.
So this is the advanced template, it looks really confusing but I will edit it so it’s more appealing to new designers.
These are the only ones that are necessary for a shirt, now lets get onto drawing.
Since we are doing softline, I will pick a color palette so I can make it softline later.
The color palette
Outline - Purple (HEX: #57007F )
Sideline- Blue (HEX: #007F7F )
Stitching- Red (HEX: #FF0000 )
Seam- Lime (HEX: #4CFF00 )
(Palette in the image)
So let’s get started.
The Collar
The collar is the hardest part in the making of any shirt asset, and the most annoying one.
You should try to recreate a collar from a normal shirt, this can be a circle for all we care.
I will show you an example.
This is what I drew, since it’s matching up and its looking decent I will use the magic tool to select the collar, copy it, make a new layer and click paste.
Now that we did that, you will look to the topbar and click the ‘Layer’ Button.
Now merge the two layers and you should have something like this.
So far we are doing great, we can now move onto the “Above the torso” Part.
Above Torso
We will draw two straight lines like this, it will look better at the end.
Torso, Back and Side Parts
You will draw a straight line a little bit above the end of the torso, this will be the place where the pants would go when making an outfit, so that the shirt looks like it’s tucked in.
For the arms, we will keep it some what simple, I will keep the details onto this to the minimal so that it’s not complicated, we will draw another straight line about 65 pixels from the ‘empty box’ most known as ‘dead space’
It should be similar to this.
Okay, we have finished drawing the outline part, now we will be going onto stitching and putting seam along sidelines onto this, let’s begin with sidelines.
We will put two straight lines at the sides of the shirt, we are trying to replicate the real life design of a shirt where it’s sowed on the sides.
Mine looks like this.
We should also remember that the sleeves are also sowed like this so we will put a straight line on the 3rd arm box as well.
Now, we should connect the shoulder and the top part of the shirt, you can ‘feel’ the stitching on your own shirts and sweaters if you run your finger on the side of your shirt and go up to the shoulder.
Reminder to change the lines on the “above torso” part to the sideline color like so:
This is the shape we are trying to get, it represents the stitching and the connection of the shirt in real life.
You can add additional detail you want, but this is going to be it for now, we will move onto the seam and the stitching.
Seam and Stitching
So seam is supposed to be lighter by 5 in the value selector, we will mark it as lime green for now, we should cover every “inside” surface with seam, like so:
I made the background grey so it is easier to see.
With stitching we are tying to get realism, one stitch should be two pixels together, and then a space space (1 pixel) and then another stitch, it should look like this:
We will now put stitching like this everywhere on the shirt, it should always stay connected with the seam!
Here are the finishing results:
We will now put this onto an actual template we can use.
We will do this by copying and matching them from the advanced template to the roblox one.
Here is an example sheet.
This is what it should look like:
Now select the sleeve like so:
Click [CTRL+C], make a new layer and paste it.
Then do the same thing that we did with the collar, flip it horizontally and adjust it to fit the arms, after that merge it with the other layer, it should look like this:
And there we go, that’s how you draw an shirt, of course you can make your own types / versions or anything you want.
I will show you how to use this asset we made now.
Using the shirt asset we made
Okay so, this is really easy.
We will first pick out a color, I will chose a light blue color ( HEX: #323C60 )
Now, we will fill out the parts we want the shirt to have, it will look like this.
Now we are to color code it (Known as CC/CCing)
All the purple parts we will darken the value by 10.
All the blue parts we will darken by 7.
All the red parts we will darken by 5.
All the green parts we will lighten by 5.
You can do that by decresing/incresing the color value here:
And we will do this by using our magic wand tool.
The settings for it should be:
Tolerance: 19%
Flood Mode: Global
And just switch the details with the key, end result should be:
And that’s the most basic shirt we could have made, we will texture it, put a graphic onto it and edit it later, for now will the ‘dead-space’ (the transparent space) with any color so that we can do things quicker.
Like this:
Remaking a shirt from real life (graphics)
So, first off we need to find a shirt we want to replicate.
So we will begin by placing our picture in paint net and we will select the skull looking thing, copy it and paste it to the to the shirt.
It should look like this.
If it is too big you can hold shift and scale it down.
Make a new layers and draw the outlines of the art work.
Here I draw the outline.
Now I will fill it out and draw the eyes.

As you can see, it looks really nice, you can add seam and stitching to it but I will not do that.
I will use the font “Street Threat” to draw the text in the background.
And now we made a shirt graphic, we can move onto texturing and making wrinkles.
Texturing and Placement of Wrinkles
So textures are usually premade, since they are a pain to make (like camo)
So here is a texture that we will be using:
So, you will place it at a layer above the one your clothes are at, and then you will adjust the opacity of the layer to your liking.
When you adjusted the opacity and everything, you will go back to the layer where the actual clothes are located, you will use the magic tool to pick all the spots we want to be clear of textures (skin), after we select them we will change layers without unselecting and then we will click delete to delete the textures from the skin areas.
Mine came out like this.
So wrinkles are supposed to add realism to the shirt you are making, to get started get the paint brush and create a new layer.
With the brush tool you will experiment with the hardness and the size of the brush, you will draw in a similar pattern to this:
Now change the opacity of the layer and it should look something similar to this:
If you really try to make it detailed, it can come out as this:
And that’s basically it for the wrinkles.
You will merge all the layers and then delete the lime green stuff, and you will be able to upload
this shirt.
Clothing Categories
So it is very obvious that there is different categories of clothing, I will be covering all of them so you can find the style you like.
There is more genres and here is a picture:
Credits to Pixelrei, he used this in he’s guide in 2021.
Color Coding Camo
So, to those that tried to color code camo for a military uniform and got stuck, this is a guide to you.
We are aware that when color coding we will select the outline and just decrease the color value, but what if every line needs to be matching the camo it’s going over (the camo usually have over 7 different colors)
I will be explaining how to color code with camo.
First grab your asset and put it above the camo layer. (Use a quality camo, NEVER from google because it needs to be made for roblox clothing.)
Select the layer with the asset.
Equip magic wand and use these settings:
Then, click on the line you want to color code (can be outline, sideline, seam or stitching)
Now while you have it selected, you will click on the camo layer without unselecting the line.
After you done that, you will decrease/increase the color value in the color wheel, and then hold [ALT] and click [RIGHT_CLICK] on the color you picked.
(You should use the colors that are in the camo, and increase or decrease the value depending on the type of color code you are doing, when doing the alt+rmb action you should click on the same color that you have changed in the color wheel)
Now after you do that, you will notice that it has selected different lines with different spacings, it usually looks like this:
Now, click back onto the asset layer and click backspace, the result should look like this.
I will simplify the actions we did:
The purple lines will only stay selected if they are on a certain color variation, with this we can color code it and make it look detailed.
And this is how to color code camos.
General Tips
Join Clothing Groups
You can learn a lot from clothing groups and from their communities, I will list some below:
Code 8
All of these groups have their communication servers, where you can find me and ask me anything.
Learn from failures
You will fail a lot, and you should learn from it rather than giving up.
Draw your own assets
Using pubic assets is the easiest thing, but making your own assets will make you improve more and get a reputation
Have good commision prices
If you are doing commisions like me, you might be asking your self about the prices.
It is not bad to have high prices, our work and our time is valuable and is supposed to be paid for.
My prices vary but they go about 400R$ per set (shirt+pants) and I raise the price for additional stuff, you can copy mine or edit them.
Talk to other clothing designers and compare clothing to fix your mistakes
Featured Posts
I will post here other clothing guides made by other people, they will cover stuff that I couldn’t make a guide about since I am not in the field.
Using IbisX on mobile to create clothing - TOPIC
How to improve your clothing outfits - TOPIC
How to file a DMCA Report - TOPIC
My assets
Here I will post assets that I used here and made my self and that you can use to play around in paint net, It would be very nice to credit me if you post it anywhere.
Making clothing is art, and it is complicated, with trial and error will you learn how to design.
I will answer any questions in devform or at (laza#3436)
If you found this useful please tell me so, if you think something is missing or needs to be said you can tell me and I will add it.
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[ If you are having issues with reading the text on the pictures, you should right click them and click open in new tab, there you will be able to zoom in from your browser or zoom in paint net ]