Roblox Community Space: A Vision of Social Experiences on Roblox

They are doing ID age verification.

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was referring to if it was 13+ sorry if that was a bit unclear


@Abcreator @omgcchheeessee the update is 13+ and does not require ID verification. Don’t listen to unreliable sources (such as YouTubers) that say otherwise.


When this publicly launches, how will devs be able to manage voice chat in their game? For example, the distance of proximity chat and features such as team or one on one voice chat? I’d love to hear what options will be available.

Didn’t see the VoiceChatService earlier

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This will be quite the interesting experience, in this case. Many people will, very likely, abuse the Voice Chat system; And I am curious as to how moderators at Roblox plan to ‘remove users from experiences’ with flags, and if this will turn into Roblox’s reporting feature, or if they genuinely will listen to voice chat flags, and moderate users accordingly. Furthermore, how do they plan to deal with people saying very bad things? Taking their Voice Chat privelleges may not do anything and will instead just entice them to make an alternate account or find a way to bypass these things through the Roblox chat. Perhaps account age (How old the account is, not how old they are), should also be a feature in determining whether one can speak or not?

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Anyone trying to join a server with specific people only to get their server changed?

Does this mean the vc code for the community space experience will go open source?

“and they’re going to be able to learn from the code that we wrote for that community space…”

There’s servers updated to have voice chat enabled already!?

Very good point; For experiences that would likely require Voice Chat to better communicate something, this could be a huge help. Sometimes, you are playing something (For example, a horror game), and could be in a situation where you have to say something, but if you open chat, you could die/fail something/ whatever else. Instead of having to type, you could be able to say something fast, and easily. This is one of the good things I expect to come out of Voice Chat on Roblox.

It seems as other VC may be coming too however, as the api seems to have :JoinChannel

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I haven’t really seen anyone think about mic spammers. How could this be handled?

mute function. same way we deal with them on other games with VC.


Very interesting observation- Perhaps Roblox may do this through a series of channels based on User location, rather than just having a normal proximity chat? Maybe :JoinChannel would send a user to a certain Voice Chat channel based on user location? Or could this be something like Discord, where users may choose to join a certain channel? I am quite interested to see what comes out of this.

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Didn’t Roblox purchase Guilded or something recently? It could relate to that in some sort of way.

There seems to be other api functions to voicechatservice too:

Seems weird that the most useful function is CoreScript only (GetGroupId)

Noticed something:

Function string VoiceChatService:GetAndClearCallFailureMessage()

Could they be adding Voice Chat calls with friends as well?

Edit: Perhaps I may have missed something and this flew over my head- But it could also just be calling a voice chat failure message to display when something goes wrong or an error occurs then clearing that user’s ability to use Voice Chat.

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That’s what I’m concerned about, people playing audios or using religion bots to spam audios, or even inappropriate content.

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This it seems to be interesting, but i want know if us developers we could edit more things, like than pitch of the voice or add delay on the voice because this can make the RolePlay games more interesting and funny and i suppose what the voice chat test are only on US and UK or no?

My theory is that they’ll roll it out in only one country, like display names, and after that they’ll release it for everyone.


I kinda hope they don’t do that.