Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

i missed this because i didn’t even know it was happening

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Here’s a simple game I made almost completely by myself for this challenge
(If you haven’t already played)


This looks very cool! Despite the time limit. You still make something that actually looks good! (Will try this later)

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Hey! I think you missed us

@WaflSyrup gonna kill me for posting this

i’ll give you 3 last words

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Hey creators @Game-Jammers,

It’s time to vote for the People’s Choice category!

The reply with the most likes (:heart:) in the Roblox Developer Challenge 2024 People’s Choice Voting topic will be selected as the winner. The voting phase starts now and will be closed on Friday, February 16, at 3 PM PT.

Good luck!


Wouldn’t the games further down the list have a lower chance of people seeing them, and voting?


Here from the team for Creator’s Insanity (

We were told you would note that our team’s game accidentally somehow got updated about 40 minutes after deadline ( we believe this was due to thumbnails getting through moderation late ). Has our game been invalidated due to this? I believe the last actual submitted update was before deadline still.
I can’t seem to find our game on the list here.

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Hey, your experience is here:


Thank you! We were stressing for a bit :relieved:

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this ^^^
439 games… who in their right mind would scroll through 439 games :skull:
it’d be easier to pick a random one or some on the top :skull:

most of them dont even have thumbnails loading in the embeds


Tbh, I thought the game options would be like last time, where the top 10 games were eligible for selection. This way people could actually try the games instead of picking some random ones



We understand the voting topic has a lot of experiences! As a quick tip, you can find your experience by searching for the place ID on the topic :mag:. You can also share a direct link to the response with your experience link and promote it to gather some votes :link:.

As a reminder, replies are arranged based on their submission time & date

Developer Engagement Team


Agreed. Games in the middle has much lower chances than games on top/bottom. + on top of this a lot of games have no thumbnails, making them easier to scroll down without notice.

And, just want ask, what’s everyone opinions of allowance of promoting games? Like, uh, someone can ask popular youtuber to
promote this link, or make botted likes…


Guys. Definitely try out (and hopefully vote on) Modular Chaos!

10/10 recommend!

It is pretty fun, and a decent challenge for all!

(Made by @trtman33 @GamersInternational @Ty_Scripts @TmsDevv and @eMisakie)


Definitely go and give us a vote (please, we worked hard :smile:)

It is a bit annoying scrolling through 400 games ngl


That’ll be the tactic that most people use rather than relying on random people on community to vote on the game. Suppose it is what it is :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Hey I can’t seem to find my team’s experience here? Were all experiences listed or just some?

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Anyways, if this challenge consists out of promoting, and advertising, I’ll post my game link here too. Why? Because it’s in the middle and I have forgot to put thumbnail…

Gnome rules!

During given 2 days, @GamEditoPro got inspired and did not simple at all game where all you need is simply hardly win. Only you can move on the map, only you can win. But what considered as YOU? Game will tell, that you is ANYTHING! Just match some words together and get full control over any objects you want! You can be gnome, box, wall, or even w a t e r!
But, how to win? It’s not easy task at all! You need get to the object which has sparkles. And it will be good, if you won’t be defeated, drown, melted or turned into anything that’s not you. Yes-yes, you can win only if you are alive, if this applies to you. (It will)

Game will offer you firstly easy tasks, like pushing objects, but there’s trick: RuLeS aRe AlWaYs ChAnGe! You push crate, and then you push lava! Anything possible!

But, I don’t want to spoiler entire 5 levels, try it yourself, and find your own way to win the game!

And seriously, be carefull with YOU, it may ruin your entire level. Same for WIN. Good luck, guy!

(One of the levels, hard one)

Also, please, give me a vote, I’ll very appreciate it! I worked really hard on game solo during that 2 days…


This was myself and @redredstone01 's attempt at making a game that seemed to be reasonable but became unexpected as you have to bend past the rules of reality (such as gravity) to pass levels. It’s got a few bugs here and there (rejoin to do another level after finishing one) :triumph:

Would be great if people could vote - it’s our best attempt at something ‘different’ I suppose

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