Roblox Developer Challenge 2024

How do you interpret powering imagination without using ideas that exist on roblox. No complete objective just create anything that is considered a “valid” submission. Imagination has no barriers, so considering “valid” is wrong; then it would not supposed to be unexpected development because you cannot determined what newborn idea is valid/invalid.

What do you mean by that?
How do I interpret “powering imagination” without copying existing trends?

There is no such thing as “valid imagination” as for valid submission.

… Okay?

All I said is that we have a good idea?

is it a good idea though?

It’s interpreted in a way you wouldn’t think

Goodluck everyone, this theme is very interesting!

Hello, is it okay to make the game on an alt and submit it on this account? Or do I have to use the same account. I’m the only member

Still looking for a Roblox modeler! If anyone is interested, hit me up in the Developer Forum PMs (Private Message) with your creations!

Don’t send me via Messages on the Roblox website, as I don’t see them.

Quick question for our hosts, there is no mention of a pitch video, I am assuming this is because there will be none, correct?


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Hey, no pitch video needed this year!

We can test in public versions of our game?

can people join a team during the competition??

Hi, we’re looking for a modeler or an animator. If you’re interested dm me via DevForum or Discord (

We got many ideas for the game, join us to finish it ! :smiley:

Yes, they can join during the competition

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Are Plugins allowed that will help us? Such as a 3d Text Plugin?

Are you allowed to use the devforum for help? (With scripting)

Are we allowed to use audios off the creator marketplace?

Yes, just make sure to list any pre-developed resource in the submission survey.


pretty sure you can