Roblox Developer Forum Logo Updated

I feel like the grid strays a little to far from their other logos, but the brackets are genius

"Creator Community" still shows the old logo


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I was bored, so I tried making one myself. I feel like the scaling of the wrench is… weird… but I like the idea of the layout and stuff, although it needs a professional touch:

Here’s the SVG of the above logo, and the roblox logo:

Roblox Logo
<svg xmlns="" width="934.939" height="934.939" viewBox="0 0 934.939 934.939">
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      .cls-1 {
        fill: #e2231a;
        fill-rule: evenodd;
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My Logo
<svg xmlns="" width="1500" height="1500" viewBox="0 0 1500 1500">
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      .cls-1 {
        fill: #e2231a;

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        fill-rule: evenodd;

      .cls-2 {
        fill: #007eff;

      .cls-3 {
        fill: #f37c1b;
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everytime I look at it, I like it less and less

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I like that they removed the “Developer” text. It looks better, but still lacks originality.


Honestly it needs to not exist, or exist as “Dev” or “Developer Forum”. Just having the word Developer looks very odd and out of place.

I am happy as long as the logo in my tab does not look like a webclient for studio really.

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I made this :slight_smile: a showcase of everything that goes on here!


This is great!


was doing a little art, came up with this, let me know what the opinions are


I like it; very anti minimalist. Hope we get a thread/poll to vote on a replacement icon for the devforum.

I personally think that the spammed logo seems a bit much. Perhaps just remove the circle of logos, and change the size and angle of the middle logo to represent that middle square in the large square.

hard to describe, so here is my suggestion in a pic.


Take my money!!!

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Does anyone else feel that any new logo should incorporate the forum colors?


the circle is an important formal device


I think so. A gradient of blues might be nice if the forum colours are being changed to match


So I can see once again a logo change which caused some discussions. In my opinion, this is literally the same situation as when they changed the previous Roblox logo into a Cheezit - something simplistic and more ‘professional’.

The change to the Roblox logo and the Studio logo were just about right to me. But using the same logo as Studio for the DevForums doesn’t make me very enthusiastic, reasons being: Not everyone who uses Studio is a DevForum member. On top of that, the DevForums is originally exclusive to those invited. Now it looks like whoever uses Studio is a DevForum member.

Besides, the previous DevForum logo did have something. Okay it looked a bit like Domino’s logo, but if you look at the suggestions from e.g @Younite, it uses the same Cheezit simplistic and professional shape and yet stands out.

Now after all, it’s a mere logo which isn’t really affecting us Developers. So I don’t think it’s worth defending one or the other logo. As long as it has a logo, I’m fine. :slight_smile:


Slightly OT, But anyone else getting the old ROBLOX “R” as the favicon for the wiki still? image

Back on topic, Personally I feel studio and wiki are a very solitary place to be, whereas devforums is more collabatory, so makes sense, in my opinion, to be different. I really like the orange suggestions. [For some reason I find if I am on a Team Create I just can’t focus and hardly get anything done, Hence normally am on own in studio]


Just messing around with the colors of this specific design


This new logo is extremely unappealing to me.

The design itself isn’t interesting or appealing, I believe it’s misleading calling it “minimalistic”. Most minimalistic designs are somehow just good to look at, but this new logo is missing that. It lacks a unique aesthetic.


Just noticed it was updated once more. Looks good now, I wouldn’t call it anything fancy or innovative, but it gets the job done without looking bad or unprofessional. It’s a very small aspect of this forum anyways. :+1: