Uhm! Came back online to this after donating on pls donate, huge amounts! for those who know me, I’ve just emailed Roblox now for answers my Robux was going down even today whilst at work I was noticing my funds that were clearing was literally disappearing IDK if I’ve been caught in any attack, I removed all extensions and just waiting for a response from Roblox.
This happens a lot as there are people who sell roblox illegally and that’s why roblox considered you as one of them and banned you.
Maybe next time don’t be so “kind”.
giving and/or receiving huge amounts of robux in a short time usually results in account termination. it happens a lot recently and I’ve literally seen tens of posts talking about the same thing in the few last months
they can’t accurately determine whether you actually bought or sold robux outside of the roblox website, so they’ll terminate you even with 1% chance of you buying/selling robux outside of the roblox website
it primarily happens with group funds, never thought it’d happen on pls donate, that’s wild
but honestly most of these cases were appealed successfully because it’s apparently a stupidly flawed way to detect such violations. just contact roblox and include as much information as possible and you’ll probably get unterminated. if they decline from the first try, send another ticket and include more information, they’ll eventually unban you
wish you the best with this situation
Thank you soo much! i have also 210k followers and quite popular, attempting to contact connects.
Then you should post your case on Twitter and YouTube and wait for it to get traction from a lot of people. This will ruin their reputation and they’ll then have to actually review your situation carefully and unban you
Easiest way to get unbanned if you’re quite popular
This is genuinely insane, I feel like there’s more of these terminations happening now the further I look over the DevForum… I’ve gone ahead and included you into one of my posts (if that’s fine) as I’ve gone through the same issue…
My account was moderated for similar reasons today. I appreciate you spreading awareness to others on the forum.
So sorry that’s happened to you too…
I’m on my phone currently so I can’t copy and paste the format for how I’m trying to reach out to Roblox Staff members but if you go to @Raw_ness post I’ve pasted it there and it might be worth trying it out.
Maybe— or eventually with enough users doing that it’ll somehow cross someone that will be able to help us out.
I truly do wish the best of luck and I hope yours and many other developers termination issue gets resolved soon as this doesn’t seem to be a one time thing lately…
I already sent it to an active DevRel member. I do hope that you have a good day.
Hopefully something good comes out of that message you’ve forwarded!
The format I’ve mentioned shows every Roblox Staff, Developer Relation et cetera’s last active date so I would recommend checking that post I mentioned if you’d like to higher your chances of someone seeing it that way. :')
Have you gotten any updates? Account unbanned yet?
dont be generous and show off ur richness and roblox might let you off the hook
Not unbanned they kept ignoring me
You seemed to be unbanned but how?