Roblox Launcher/Game Client Does Not Pop Up


Recently (around 2 days ago), I have been experiencing issues with the Roblox Launcher. This bug makes it so that the Roblox Game Client opens, but doesn’t appear on my screen so I can play Roblox, I will include a video below to explain things a bit easier.

Yes, the same error happens if I try open up the desktop version of Roblox

What I have tried to fix this solution is:

  • Restart my PC

  • Uninstalling and Reinstalling Roblox

  • Searching tutorials/devforums to see if anyone had the same problem as mine

  • Leaving my PC on for a long time just to see if Roblox would open.

This issue happened when Roblox had to upgrade.



If I try join my friend with this glitch, it says that I am playing a game even though nothing has popped up.
I can also here some sound effects from the game but thats it.

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Why are you posting on #forum-help:forum-bugs? This is an incorrect category



I found out it runs fine, the only issue is that it runs as a background processor (stuff that runs in the background like VPNs etc.) and not an app (like a browser, or any kind of stuff that opens up a window)

Now that I know the exact issue, I just need to find out how to change the Roblox game client to an app.


kill all roblox processes with task manager (roblox player and roblox studio)

remove everything in %temp% with admin perms

remove %localappdata%/Roblox folder

run roblox installer from Roblox Download


I just tried it now but the same error happens. So now I think its just a Roblox issue with the newest version of it, have you seen anyone with the same problem as me?


For anyone wondering, Roblox Studio does work but not the game client.

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that sounds like byfron - hyperion issue

god damn i heared byfron hyperion likes to blacklist some legitmate processes maybe thats probably why

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Is there a fix or will I just have to wait until Roblox does something?

the only thing so far that works for me

fresh windows reinstall

but yeah hyperion byfron shouldnt just get mad over legit process and just close immediately thats just so dumb


wait for roblox staff (like example bitdancer) to fix the issue actually let me mention him maybe he knows how to fix

@Bitdancer i summon you pls help this man :pray:

I have an update:

Sometimes, Roblox actually works and I can play at times, but when I close it and come back to play again, the same issue occurs.

Maybe the Roblox staff is actually doing something to fix this! (I have contacted Roblox Support also)

then that means something might be tampering with roblox (like app launching up in the background after roblox starts up)

do you use 3rd party fps unlocker?

check task scheduler maybe you can find some apps here that launch after roblox was launched

I don’t use 3rd party fps unlocker.

Ill uninstall any apps that could be tampering with Roblox. After I do that ill report back

Nothing happened.

Maybe im uninstalling the wrong programs, can you suggest some other ones?

Do you have any VPN’s on such as the OperaGX VPN? That could be causing roblox to do this.

apologies to bump this but this seems eerily similar to another post that i have been following

@thebookworm89, if you are using windows insider, you are likely experiencing the same problem we were over there.

i take most of the following back, ive only now noticed this post which (more or less) explains the cause of the insider issues

if you want to read this, go for it

microsoft has messed something up in insider builds causing games to run awfully (and in roblox’s case, not run at all). a staff member more or less confirmed this on a different post with the same issue

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Sorry I haven’t been online the dev forum for a bit, it recently broke on me.

I will look into this Windows Insider issue and see if it could resolve my current issue.

It seems like I am not using a version of the Windows Insider Program

What does this mean and what should I do next?


Hi guys, I recently decided to upgrade to Windows 11 to see if that would do anything, and doing that has fixed this issue so I can now finally launch Roblox.


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