Roblox not loading correctly!

Lately when I join a roblox game or join studio not everything loads like the sky somethimes doesnt or only the wheels and the windows of a car. Can someonme explain to me whats happening?


It seems like some people are having issues with recieving asset information from Roblox. This will cause things to look like they are missing. Don’t worry, once the problem is fixed you will see the stuff again.
(MeshContentProvider failed to process ... because 'could not fetch')


i have solution in my post

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I’ve just been told of a fix and it works. Restart your router and reload studio. Simple as that :slight_smile:

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Nope it didn’t change anything still all the errors in studio.


Which DNS are you using? Try switching yours to Cloudflare.

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idk what you mean with that???

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Use a VPN. It’s worked for others. It will fix your issue.