Roblox Premium is here!

think you need to double check your pricing…


It’s probably tax and they probably didn’t include the tax on the price on the premium page.

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Exchange rates fluctuate. It’s probably charging you in USD, but the site’s GBP display price was probably set a little back.


Is anyone else experiencing more higher tier sales on their games? Since the gradual release of premium I’ve been seeing WAY more purchases of over 1,000 robux per player. I’m thinking the update where you get all of the robux at the beginning of the month was definitely tested by roblox and saw it as the most profitable because I’m starting to think it is.


It should be available now. (Sorry for the late reply.)

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Really good changes, but it’s a shame we’re moving from a neat name to a boring name.


It’s not tax, VAT in the UK is 20% (thanks to the EU) so it would be much bigger.

My guess is either exchange rate fluctuation or more likely google play takes a cut.


I do like the Builders Club turning into Premium but I am curious if it will just be Premium or will there be more Premium ranks that give different perks like BC,TBC,OBC.

By different perks I do not mean robux difference I meant new perks that could be brought into Premium.

yeah, as @Sublivion said, it’d be around £5.50 with VAT. I know Roblox is US-based, but we generally don’t display prices without VAT in the UK


Is there a way to buy more than just a months worth? Please reply since Roblox support email didn’t help at all and was a robot answer, thanks!

No, Roblox Premium is a monthly subscription.

Oh thanks for answering, is there a plan to change this thanks ok

Not that I know of, hopefully so as I personally prefer to pay yearly.

Yes, I would also like that. I’m surprised by the lack of communication on Roblox’s part, they must be keeping silent on it for a reason right?


Whenever something is kept silent, there is always going to be a reason to it.

@EnDarke @TunesSon
I am going to clear a little bit of the misconceptions and confusion around the DevEx rates changing. This DevEx change isn’t intended behaviour and it has nothing to do with Premium being released. This is just a web bug that makes the DevEx rates not show properly.

No no no no I mean like I don’t need to pay for OBC anymore and instead I can get the same price as BC Premium for a devex. What’s the bug though?

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Very cool kanye, but can we get lifetime obc back? :thinking:

ight but for real , I like the rebranding of bc to premium, but I don’t like that you must make recurring payments each month. I’d much rather pay for a full year / lifetime up front and not have to worry about overdrafts and bank stuff. I get that roblox needs to get money via subscriptions like everyone else on the planet seems to be moving to, but I’d really like to keep the long-term discounted options since it’s necessary for a developer like me to always have premium (because of marketplace fees, dev ex, etc.).

I was about a week away from clicking the 1 year obc button when this was released so I was a little salty when I didn’t find it when I came back


100% support. Lifetime was removed as it was unprofitable, but there doesn’t seem to be a reason why you can’t buy a year upfront of Premium (which would be appreciated)


I think in the past, it was about 1800 a month with OBC (60 robux a day, by 30 days), and now its more robux per month, by about 400, at 2200 per month - so maybe that helps in your calculation on the inflation.