Roblox Premium is here!

I think premium is a very good upgrade to ROBLOX because it fits with the new silver/white and black theme and that developers don’t have to buy OBC to DevEx. One thing is, how would users react to this? Would they like it or not? Well, my siblings that play ROBLOX have mixed feelings, feeling good about getting their robux all upfront, and not liking the fact that there is only a monthly option, which I would get, because of the upfront robux thing.

Premium as a concept is awesome. Premium is awesome.
The payment methods as of right now however, are bad. I want to purchase 12 months worth of premium but I am unable to, because I need to pay 1 month and renew, which ends up being more expensive in the long run. And both parties end up worse from it, since the buyer loses more money, and Roblox loses a potential customer.


Correct, I calculated more of the inflation numbers here

I thought it was only supposed to be a few days for everyone to migrate to Premium. Is anyone else still stuck on BC or is it just me?

Also I see this error in the console on every device on every page of Roblox when logged into my account:

I feel weird every time I enter a server and I’m the only one with the BC icon.

The migration should automatically happen at the end of your billing period.

I believe anyone who hasn’t caught up will be migrated to Premium once it’s been available worldwide for a few weeks. Rest assured, you’ll soon be rocking that Premium badge :wink:

This is probably because Premium isn’t enabled on your account. Especially since the URL seems to be about premium migrations.


Thank you - you triggered an idea to cancel my renewal. After cancelling my auto renewal (which was set for 6th January 2020) it immediately brought up the migration popup and did the migration.

As you suggested, it probably would sweep up when it’s out everywhere for a while, or when it eventually came to renew in January. I needed it sooner than that which is why I asked.

For anyone else stuck on BC: cancel your renewal if it’s in the distant future and it’ll migrate!

Side note: I also managed to get 3 extra days by doing this - my premium now expires on the 9th January.


My Premium 2200, or previous OBC membership, is expiring soon. I would like to upgrade now, but the selections are locked, forcing me to wait until my membership expires in its entirety.

When my membership does expire, will I lose my badges, gamepasses, and groups? Or, has that been changed? I obviously don’t want to lose my goods.

Edit: I am downgrading to the base Premium.


Doesn’t it renew itself automatically? Check in your settings.

I purchased premium on mobile and it automatically renews for me. Maybe you should purchase premium on mobile.

Can you please clarify,
upgrade to what?

If you meant downgrade, you’ll need to cancel your plan and let it expire first.
You won’t lose anything you own, but for that small gap you’ll only get 10% of revenue from gamepasses under your account.

Groups and badges will not disappear if your membership expires.

Good question. Considering that DevEx no longer requires the highest membership, I’m downgrading to the 450 Premium.

… then you can purchase a lower subscription.

There is no official way to downgrade yet, although it would be appreciated (even if it only actually downgrades on the renewal date).

There shouldn’t be any issues with being non-premium (that I know of) unless you sell clothing or have a pending DevEx request.

I stumbled upon how the robux purchase page on mobile for premium members now displays a crossed out amount of the robux obtained without premium, and it also shows the larger amount of robux obtained as a premium member (although I don’t know exactly when the change occurred).

This answers a majority of questions associated with purchasing premium as it specifically states that it is renewed/billed monthly in the text above the robux purchase options.

It also suggests that there won’t be yearly premium options anytime soon, as well as it sheds light on why Premium is cheaper than its robux alternative, as on the robux purchase page of a non-premium member, the monthly premium option is shown above the robux purchase options to encourage more premium members for more of a continuous monthly flow of revenue.

Edit: I also want to add that by clicking on the “Want more Robux?” option, the 4,950 and 11,000 robux purchase options become viewable under the title of “Value Packs.”


Saying it sucks, i want a refund isn’t pretty constructive. Do you have any feedback that can make it better?


Where was it said that they’ll be removing BC Badges?

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Common sense. BC is still enabled for some users. See the other half of my post:

I believe that they haven’t set up badges to change based on A/B tests.

I may be a little late but I think premium is a huge upgrade from builders club.
Now that all types of premium allow 100 groups, Devex options, and instead of getting daily robux; upon payment you get tbe amount of monthly robux.

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While the nostalgia in me will miss BC, I like Premium more. Besides sounding more professional, the added features make it vastly superior to BC. The symbol for Premium does look a bit like the Patreon symbol though. It took me a few days to realize the logo was a stylized P to begin with. I think touching up the logo a bit would help.

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I think the UK was not prioritized, but rather done first because they make up a smaller percentage of roblox and therefore any issues found in premium would not affect as much of the userbase


Not only this, Europe is an easier market to deploy new products to compared to the US, mainly for cultural reasons. If you look at any financial change, you will often see it be deployed to countries where there is easier access to capital first.

It could also be because the UK had more of a flat average of money spent (e.g. if overall on average Brits were less/more likely to buy BC than an American) as this would be easier to compare statistics on compared to countries with more diverse data.

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