Roblox silently loses connection without notice or rejoin option

I am in the USA, and my ISP is Verizon.


After some researching, I believe the issue might be related to my internet connection. I usually connect via Ethernet, but I also have access to Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, the problem occurs with both connections.

As an experiment, I tried sharing my mobile data through a hotspot, and surprisingly, the issue didn’t occur at all. However, using mobile data isn’t a viable long-term solution for me due to the high cost of maintaining it.

I’m not sure why the problem persists with my normal internet connections but not with mobile data. If anyone has insights into why this might be happening or how to resolve it, I would greatly appreciate your help.


I have actually had this happen to a player in my game it seems, I have been getting mass reports of a supposed memory leak in my code, however when looking into the microprofiler I find that it’s actually code on roblox’s end

things like setting the C0 of a joint taking WAY to long
and this happens every frame not just a one off hitch.

Sound as well taking 4ms randomly, as well as music skipping like a scratched CD or something

I know this isn’t related directly to this issue, however these 2 events started happening at the same time which could have some kind of connection. However, these could be 2 totally separate issues.

In the bug report I got the user was frozen like they were disconnected however they were still able to “play” the game
Here is a video they sent in the bug reports channel for my game


Hey there! Is it possible to have this fix attempted on my game, Oaklands? I have been receiving reports from a few players about this in our experience, however I cannot repro this myself. I’m going to attempt to see if I can get a log from a user who was experiencing this issue. Would you be the appropriate person to PM this log to?


I have experienced issue from Russia, Crimea, ISP is Miranda.


Hey @HooferBevelops ,

Apologies – we don’t have any confirmed fix yet. We are hard at work on this issue, though. Thanks to all the contributors of this thread and for those who have shared logs.

Please DM me and/or @asdfiji123 with any logs you are able to gather from yourself/users who experience this issue.

Thank you,


absolutely constant stream of disconnections today, absolutely constant. the longest game i got today had to be like 15 minutes


my average game time still barely scratches 20 minutes (if im lucky) but its usually 15.


0.654.1.6540477_20241228T205627Z_Player_8956E_last.log (151.6 KB)
newest log, match lasted ~12 give or take a few, which has been the norm this week.


I also came across this issue however no one got back to me, yet. If there is anything I can do to help please feel free to contact me.


0.654.1.6540477_20241229T092647Z_Player_94763_last.log (78.8 KB)
newest log, there were only 8 people in the server and the ping was perfect. despite this i disconnected after only 5 minutes and 20 seconds


I’ve been playing item asylum and other games lately, as you said games with a lot of data flow are my biggest issues, especially unoptimized games like the ones with 2 player chained obbies, I noticed that lowering my MTU seems to have MOSTLY fixed the issue? I get hang ups but I successfully reconnected around 1-2 minutes later several times in item asylum which confused me to no end.

The way I got here is by searching random reddit threads and forums, I noticed that sending ICMP packets/pinging beyond a certain size(in my case 1452 bytes) times out regardless of destination(except for gateway), while on my other slower ISPs where I don’t crash it works completely fine even above 1452 bytes.

So far today I’ve been playing for around 2 hours with only 1 hang up so far, wish I could spare money for a different router or something to test more however I can’t afford that.

Hope this helps people and the devs as it has always been a big issue and even though I no longer crash I hate the random ping spikes and 1 minute reconnects. (An issue only on roblox)

Note: I am aware someone pointed out changing MTU didn’t work for them, but it seems to be a per person thing atp, whether ISP or LAN issue


also never happens in private servers no longer how long I play, smaller servers do last significantly longer but still disconnect.

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have also noticed that tweaking settings so its less graphics intensive (i.e ingame settings, roblox graphics quality) can help prolong play time in certain places. have been thinking if high usage and intensity could also have something to do with the disconnecting issue. i tried it today and in a game where i had been disconnecting after 15 minutes every day i managed to reach a play time of 30 minutes did not disconnect and left on my own (this week and last week i have been timing play sessions) hope this helps.


This keeps happening to me too, and I found this in the log: 2025-01-03T22:26:42.493Z,652.493652,1eb8,6,Verbose [DFLog::RakNetMissingPingPong] Time since (ms): last ping 25055, last mtu ping 650459, last pong 24765, last mtu pong 650459, last reliable recv 22112, last ack recv 22112 | MTU size: 1396 bytes


joined a game to try out a new update, tried to join like 4 times and not a single game reached 3 minutes before i got disconnected.


Issue still persists to this day, it definitely depends on the ISP as I just changed internet and the problem started happening. Technically I don’t know whats the “factor” in the ISP that makes this bug happen. That would be interesting to know.


i dont know if its just me, but i feel like its really intensified this past month. other days i wouldnt give it much thought but now i am lucky to even scratch 15 minutes. except for very late at night like 2am-ish where it improves alot but at that point its just useless because its late.


experienced an issue and disconnecting around 10 minutes here a log: 2025-01-08T06:55:30.273Z,995.273438,2a74,6,Verbose [DFLog::RakNetMissingPingPong] Time since (ms): last ping 120615, last mtu ping 980954, last pong 120125, last mtu pong 980954, last reliable recv 118582, last ack recv 118605 | MTU size: 1396 bytes Log file:


I also got this recently twice in a row while playing Notoriety. One time it briefly reconnects and my frozen inputs get sent one after another, and then freezes again while still being able to fire my gun (client handled) and move around

Though I didn’t know when it froze since I only noticed it when I tried to interact with a Guard but can’t do so