Roblox Studio Exporting Texture Problem

● I encountered this problem today and It’s been holding me back from creating GFXs in Blender.

● The issue is that whenever I try exporting a hat from Roblox Studio and import it into Blender, the hat or material just turns completely white.

● For example; I tried testing it on a Monocle.


● And once I imported it into Blender, It turns completely white.

● The texture of the hat doesn’t get exported as well. So I only get the MTL and the OBJ file.

● I’ve been doing the same method for years and only now that I had this problem. Is there any way to fix it? Because I tried manually plugging in the texture but I see no texture in the folder.


I’m also experiencing this problem, it would be very beneficial if someone were to give a solution.


Sure sure I know what you mean
It is possible cause the ugc creator is smart enough and textures them in a special way that they can’t export the textures or if they let you export the textures they meme with you.
See- Example of UGC creators hiding textures.

The above tweet has the cartoony hat memed so that you can’t use them in your GFX
So now there’s only 2 solutions and one will work and the other one might work.

  1. Get this on a avatar, I will recommend using someone’s avatar using load avatar who has the item in their avatar and then export the model while it is grouped under the avatar, like open the avatar and then export the thing without separating it from the avatar this will trick it and will export the entire avatars textures and then the hats textures will be a part of it.

  2. If the above doesn’t works then you have to custom make the textures using UV mapping and Texture paint tools in the blender and then Baking the textures see a YT vid you will know what I mean.

Thanks for reading leave a :heart: If you felt like I tried to help.


The monocle is a hat made by roblox, but thank you for your insight!

Well the now I have to check it out myself. Ty for the info

Well it works for me idk what you guys are doing wrong.

Really sorry for the dirty screen I am lazy lol
I recommend reinstalling studio might help.
Anyway I will send you the textures here in some time after my pc is updated.


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I’m having the same problem, I don’t know how to fix this, like I don’t want to freaking get the texture and put it in manually every time that would take so long especially on big things that have a lot of textures on it


I just ran into this problem and I can’t seem to find a fix. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling Studio, resetting my settings in Studio, but nothing seems to work. I have to export big maps so individually finding the texture and applying it is honestly not an option for me.


I think this may be a new bug that started yesterday.

Other devs working on our game are experiencing it too since yesterday. There’s another thread about it: Roblox Studio is not rendering hats

It appears textures on Accessories aren’t rendered.

I’ve attached an example. In image 1 you can see the textures in Roblox. After exporting, in image 2 you can see the hair loses its texture.

Does anyone have permission to raise a Bug Report for this?

image (34)
image (35)


Im having the same problem since yesterday, whenever I import the accessories in Blender the textures are not showing up when rendering. Some friends are having the same problem, the only solution I have is to download the textures manually, but it is irritating…

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Same Problem here, I need to start a commission, but my hat textures are just not exporting. I get OBJ and MTL files.

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I’ve just ran into this problem and I can’t seem to find a way to fix it. I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall Roblox Studio, but nothing seems to work. I’m going to have to find the texture and applying it individually which I cannot do, as that would take a very long time.

@Aerayne used a more recent version of Blender, it looks like you used a version like 1.7.

I’m experiencing the same issue. Not sure what happened since I exported accessories like this not too long ago, but this is a very painful, rage-inducing bug? I really don’t want to manually download and import the textures; that’s not an option for large scale things.

Uh it’s 2.9.0. studio doesn’t export the textures sometimes it has nothing to with blender as studio didn’t export the image in the first place. To solve this open a new baseplate and if it still happens reinstall studio.

Find the texture ID of the item. Then add that texture to the part in blender. (It should already be UV Wrapped correctly for the texture.)

or that-

Coming back to this post, It looks like its resolved! I didn’t have to do any other method for importing textures I just did it normally like before. I believe this Roblox texture exporting bug has been fixed!

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I don’t think it has been resolved completely, it’s happening for me again.