Roblox Studio Instantly crashes, hangs, or fails to leave testing

I’ve been experiencing awful issues with studio making my work incredibly hard to do.
Over the past month, Roblox Studio has become increasingly unstable when trying to test our game (Typical Colors 2)
I’ve been waiting a very very long time to get into the bug reports group, but Roblox hasn’t responded to my invite from who knows how long.

Here are the issues I’ve been experiencing

  • Roblox Studio instantly crashes during testing load (these crashes are random, the final print message before crash is different pretty much every time) no error messages, no message box about studio running into an error and needs to close.

  • When leaving test session (stopping after pressing the play button), studio seems to hang on waiting for the server to close, but it never does, the studio UI is responsive and I’m able to highlight UI elements with my mouse, but no input is allowed, requiring me to end studio with task manager.

  • When leaving a test session, studio will instantly crash with no warning or message

Here is what I’ve done:

  • Deleted all registry keys and appdata for a clean install of studio, still crashes.

  • Tried another system similar to mine, still crashes.

  • Literally put another SSD in my system and installed a fresh copy of windows 11 and studio (no plugins added) still crashes.

I know this is in the wrong place, but I’ve gotten desperate for some sort of answer to these crashes, if an admin could move this over to bug reports, I would appreciate that

Unfortunately due to the nature of the issue, I’m unable to provide reproduction steps, it just happens every 5 play tests it seems.

Similar post, but it got no where.

Another one.

Video example of one of the crashes that happened after pressing test.

No mention of error in the final log files for the video above, it just seems like it failed to print.


The crashing without any sort of log thing is happening to me too. Wish it would stop it’s getting pretty annoying.

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Just in the last 2 days I’ve had over a dozen crashes within studio. Considering I’ve only done 3 hours of development in that period, that’s unbearable. It’s a massive waste of time, turning my 15 minute tasks into hour long tasks. It’s happening every other time I test, at least once each time I use the “find all” feature for scripts within studio, and it is also happening randomly when I click on things within studio.

It takes 5-10 minutes to start where I left off each time, as the client becomes completely unresponsive and does not close immediately when I choose not to wait for it to respond. I did try waiting for it to respond as well, which showed no signs of resuming even after 30 minutes. There doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to the crashes, and I never had this issue before. I don’t have any crashes for any games I play outside of Roblox and within Roblox. Our game is quite stable, and it doesn’t seem to be related to anything inside the game. I haven’t tested any other place files, that could be useful information I suppose. I wonder if I could get it to crash in an empty place file.

The crashing while using search is something we encountered when this in game explorer script was in datamodel during search. We have since removed it. It might be some malformed text or edge case with roblox’s string searching. Live-Game Explorer[V3.3]

Oh, I do use that myself. Tyridge is a personal friend, I will let him know.

Ah, yeah. Not sure how to fix this one

The problem is my explorer tool uses this to allow devs to run code on a client or the server via the command console thing

VLuau contains a module called LuaInLuau, which is ridiculously big. There’s a line with 11 million characters :joy:

Not a surprise it crashes roblox’s code search :frowning:

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Thanks for responding so fast!

On the bright side, the tool is not something that is necessary to be in the game at all times; though it does help for live bug testing. I’ll just save it externally and publish it into the game when I have a specific need for it.