Roblox Studio is marked as a Trojan by Windows Defender

Hey @wish_z, could you close your Studio and re-open it (to force another update), and see if that resolves the issue for you? We just made some changes to try alleviate this.


i got a fresh win 11 yesterday installed studio yesterday after today update of studio instantly flagged and deleted doesn’t matter if fresh install again same result

how does update contain this ?

It does not contain that. This thread is about Windows Defender incorrectly flagging Studio as a virus.

Could you please close all instances of Studio and re-open it (should force an update, if you haven’t reopened Studio in last hour) and let us know if it still happens? Please take a screenshot if so and share here.


update just installed again is not flagged anymore! so guess u guys fixed it


All clear now. Was afraid to open studio or disable Realtime due to reasons.


also not sure if it was the reason but i was using it a bit before on win 11 and errored on autosave and then it got flagged might have to do with it might not

This should no longer be happening with the update ~10 minutes ago. If you are still seeing this issue after updating, please let us know.


gosh i was so scared, thank you so much for fixing.


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