Good day! With the up and coming full release of video frames in Roblox, this project will be redundant in the near future. However, I would still like to open-source this project for learning and inspirational purposes.
I have scripted a video player that uses manual frames that is oriented by an audio clip. It uses preloads to (you guessed it) preload frames that allow it a chance to fully load in.
To my knowledge, this is the first video player that works in public Roblox servers.
The main script is in ServerScriptService and its configurations are in a module script named “FilmData” parented to the main script.
How to use:
1) Convert your video into individual frames and extract the audio file. (Ensure that a numbering system for the images is present.)
2) Import your audio and all images into Roblox using Roblox’s bulk import.
Note: You can only upload up to 200 images in one bulk and around 400 images per day per account. I used alts to upload all my frames, this is to prevent the cooldown on uploading assets and any false moderation notices on my main account. This may take a few days.
3) Insert all necessary data into the module script.
Note: The fixed screen height can be configured in the main script, calculations for the screen width will be done for you based on the frame width and height information given.Note: PreloadCount is the number of preload frames that will be used. Increase this if the FPS of the video is high.
Note: PlaybackSpeed can directly affect the speed of the video (since the frames play according to the audio position)
4) Depending on the software you use, you might have to change the format of how images are retrieved, you can alter this in a function located in the main script named “GetImageId”.
Note: If you do not know what you’re doing, you might need to read up on string manipulation or watch some youtube videos on it.
5) Providing that all information has been entered, all/most frames and audio has been uploaded successfully, your video should be playing fine.
I have this project currently running in this place.
I do not require crediting, but it would be nice to credit me if you plan on using this c:
Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions about this project or how to set it up. Have a good one!
Video Player Open Source.rbxl (29.6 KB)
Pixel Data version in development