Roblox VR System Update

34 ping is still multiple frames of latency, which you won’t get if you just use it wired. Usually wired you only have 1 (HMD) frame of latency.


I tested both cable and wireless. Back then I had a worse router and had 80 ms ping, and still, I barely noticed it. Now when I tested both wired and wireless I didn’t even see any compression and no lag. The human brain won’t even notice 34 ms difference.


It absolutely can. 34 ms is around 1/29th of a second. If you can tell the difference between 30 and 60 FPS, then that’s a difference of only 16(.6666…) ms.

It’s worth noting that reaction time (the amount of time it takes for signals to reach your brain) is usually much larger than 34 ms, but you can still percieve differences in the tens of milliseconds.

There’s a study somewhere (source) on the maximum amount of time a computer can take after you click a button before you’ll percieve the wait as non-instantaneous. It says the maximum amount of time you can take is about 100 ms before the user will percieve the wait time. However, in practice, if you’re playing games or doing active things, it gets much lower.


I think it would really help Roblox’s growth & increase it’s VR player count by x2 if they added it to Quest natively without having to use a PC.


Entirely possible, AFAIK, Quest runs a Snapdragon processor, just like Android. Problem is Roblox never did anything VR for platforms other than Windows, so they would have to perform a lot of work to make the existing codebase work for both.

It’s many many times easier for them to just provide bindings for existing SteamVR headsets like the HP Reverb G2 but seeing as they’re not even doing that, this is probably never going to happen.


I think you forgot that Android Roblox also already has VR support natively across all processors for Android basically (with the carboard thing)

It would only take a deal with Facebook and they could have it on there. And as for your second part not sure what your point is/what you mean but you mentioned a headset 10x less popular than the Quest hence why Roblox would not bother with it. They’ve already made a theory entry into VR all they need is something like the Quest to commercially start Roblox VR


Really? I didn’t know that actually, that’s kinda cool.

Oh, so you’re making that argument. There’s really no way we can know unless Roblox communicates with us, which they don’t do. As for “boo hoo your niche headset the Quest is way more popular” that’s not really a constructive way to have a discussion and I won’t continue further.


Not sure 'bout ya, however I can play gorilla tag both standalone and with connected with a pc and I see no difference, still pro with no tag lag on both occasions


I’ll have to try that method, sounds promising. I wish it was more of a ‘supported’ config and you didn’t have to carefully time the launching of the Roblox app and steam app. I was able to do it a few times by clicking Play then while still controlling the desktop, launching steam VR from the pc but it was very hit and miss whether it would catch at the right time.

Did you notice your key binds not working for some stuff vs the stock Link connection?

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In VR Hands for the life of me I could not get to chat, not sure if it is a button or not. I din’t play many games in VR since most had no players, and VR hands is just the first one to play. Its a shame roblox hates VR


Is there? All I see on the Roblox VR support page is the vive and rift.
There is also this forum post about the google cardboard where a roblox staff said they “can’t warp the camera’s view”.


Sweet! I’m so happy that ROBLOX is updating other consoles and giving them more support. I’m so excited to try this out! Great job ROBLOX! :smile:
3rd person camera could use some work though. Maybe if there was a setting to make the camera smoothly follow the player’s character model?


I tried Virtual Desktop and the launch method you described, that worked great, but the key binds make it unusable in the default settings.

I can’t jump with A. I can’t select menu items. I can’t use LB and RB, like with the Link connection it uses most Xbox controller buttons I think. I don’t know how to get Steam VR to act like that. So, I can use Link with cable(boo) and no sound. Or VirtualDesktop and Steam with perfect sound but no jump or menu access.


I can’t check right now, however, weren’t you able to map key binds? Also, did you make your settings?


this ruined everything, now all the buttons are used and do something instead of what you want them to do


Question, Do you think ROBLOX will ever come to any of the wireless consoles for VR? Quest, and Quest 2? I’ve been seeing a lot of talk around this recently, So i’m just confused haha, thanks.


I believe Roblox made a tweet a while ago stating that they are working on making Roblox accessible on every device and below was a picture of the Oculus Quest 2 with some sort of a new Roblox Menu. It also showed a PS5 controller with the same Roblox Menu. They then deleted the tweet but I believe they are working on Roblox for the Oculus Quest and other platforms right now.

Here’s a video explaining it more:


Awesome! Thank you! This helps a ton!


Now that I think about it, this might be why we got a new Roblox VR System Update, because Roblox might be coming to the Oculus Quest


So glad to see VR getting new life. Kudos to the guys at Roblox :slight_smile: