Roblox Website: Home screen (Part 1)

Roblox Website: Home screen (Part 1)

Merry Christmas everyone! :ribbon: :rose: :gift_heart:

This home screen design took me about 4 hours lol. It’s kind of simple but the arrangement was quite difficult and time consuming. I know it looks a bit off, but it gets the general idea in there. Oh- and I almost forgot to mention that I don’t actually have 19k robux :joy: that’s just uh a random number I came up with.

You also may notice ‘Part 1’ in the title. Yes, I might be making some more pages like this (examples: catalog, create tab, robux navigator, etc. Stay tuned for that as I plan to make those in the coming weeks, into the next year.

So without further ado, here is the showcase:

Roblox Website: Home screen (Part 1)

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays,


:hearts: Likes and feedback are also appreciated. :)) :hearts:


Cool I really Like it. Idk how do you even manage to make it.

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Thanks for your feedback!

I mean I did say it took me 4 hours :joy: but yeah it is just time consuming work and arrangement, nothing wildly crazy like this city post lol:

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