RoSnip' — Reworked | Power at your fingertips

original topic here

(thank you The Double N#0454 for the icon!!!)
I can’t find him in my DMs, it’s most likely that he changed his username and had his discriminator (#) removed. If you feel you made the icon, please contact me and I’ll credit you properly


RoIntellisense is a highly useful tool for Roblox developers, as it helps to streamline the coding process by providing more customizable and comprehensive autocomplete suggestions. In just a few clicks, RoIntellisense helps you to produce the same string of code with little to no effort! This can save you significant time and help you write faster, and more efficient!

RoIntellisense not only offers customizable autocomplete functionality, but also provides additional helpful features like Functions (soon). These features allow you to see the purpose of different functions and make coding easier.

RoIntellisense can help you write better code more efficiently.


(github soon)


planned features

(sorted by priority)

  1. Absolute Autocompletion (for autoservice imports, etc)
  2. Graphing widget (3d & 2d)
details and fun facts
  • RoIntellisense was created before ScriptEditorService
  • It’s roughly 2 years old
  • It’s licensed under the MIT License
suggestions log
Link User Suggestion
Post @Fastering18 Rename to “script commands”
Post @TheDeadBoneDev Editable commands
Post @MartinFlikter Suggests to make an Icon
Post @RuixeyDev Service Autocompletion (not re-implemented yet) & other QOL
Post @AllabyAIIaby Rename to “Robloxian Intellisense”; “RoIntellisense”
Post @xChris_vC Rename to “RoSnippets”; “RoSnip’”

Please reach out to me if you found any bug/concern; and I will address and resolve it as soon as possible.

As always, I am open to feedback and suggestions on improving the plugin

If you would like to support my work , you can do so by making a donation. Any amount is appreciated and helps me continue doing what I love. Thank you.


My house blackouted after I discovered a bug. I can’t fix it right now but after creating/updating a command, reopen the commands editor to update it. It shouldnt be major.

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What specific features does this have? What auto complete improvement are included?


Its mostly reworked code and UX, and I’m planning more such as dynamic autocompletion argument, where you can format the code with arguments for a more extensive autocompletion

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Love how you decided to continue this after I mentioned it :smile:

  • Fixed the commands editor erroring when hovering over an old command
  • Fixed command not properly disposed on deletion
  • FIxed default commands not loading in

Please update to the latest version

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The naming is misleading. I would rather call this “RoSnippets” than IntelliSense, since this is not code hinting based on language semantics, this is code insertion based on predefined aliases.

→ You’ve got this feedback earlier at your original topic (first post).

Code snippet plugins aren’t unique on its own, but your use of the Script Editor API is neat. Do you have any features planned that are not covered by other plugins yet? Or is this merely educational practice?


I agree, this was the 2nd name change which is based off this reply. I’ll consider an alternative name

I currently have some features in mind to consider but I would love some feedback on what to add for the plugin



  • Configuration Widget (debug mode)
  • Added a command deletion confirmation (click twice to delete)
  • Proper plugin unloading
  • Minor bug fixes

The plugin seems to break whenever a script is closed while Workspace.SignalBehavior is set to Deferred. It fixes as soon as I set it to anything else.

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Thanks for the report, It’s currently using TextDocumentDidClose to save commands, I didn’t know the SignalBehavior would affect it; I’m currently considering alternative methods to saving the commands; (I realized that plugin.Unloading also is broken with Deferred)

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