- A free, rotating proxy for Roblox APIs

I randomly started getting issues with this api

HttpError: TlsVerificationFail


----- | Services | -----
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

----- | Variables | -----
local field = {}; field.__index = field

----- | Methods | -----
function field.getExperienceInfo()
	local ExperienceDetails = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync(`{game.GameId}`))
	local ExperienceVotes = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync("""/votes"))
	local ExperienceBadges = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync(`{game.GameId}/badges?limit=50&sortOrder=Asc`))

	if ExperienceDetails == nil then return end
	ExperienceDetails = ExperienceDetails["data"][1]
	ExperienceBadges = ExperienceBadges["data"]
	if ExperienceDetails == nil then return end

	return {
		["Thumbnail"] = "rbxassetid://"..MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).IconImageAssetId,

		["Name"] = or "N/A",
		["PlaceId"] = game.PlaceId or "N/A",
		["UniverseId"] = game.GameId or "N/A",

		["Description"] = ExperienceDetails.description,

		["Voice Chat"] = false,
		["Active"] = ExperienceDetails.playing,
		["Visits"] = ExperienceDetails.visits or "N/A",
		["Favorites"] = ExperienceDetails.favoritedCount or "N/A",
		["Genre"] = ExperienceDetails.genre or "N/A",

		["Playing"] = ExperienceDetails.playing or "N/A",
		["PlaceVersion"] = game.PlaceVersion or "N/A",		

		["Updated"] = DateTime.fromIsoDate(ExperienceDetails.updated):ToUniversalTime() or "N/A",
		["Created"] = DateTime.fromIsoDate(ExperienceDetails.created):ToUniversalTime() or "N/A",
		["Creator"] = ExperienceDetails["creator"],

		["Badges"] = ExperienceBadges or "N/A",

		["Likes"] = ExperienceVotes.upVotes or "N/A",
		["Dislikes"] = ExperienceVotes.downVotes or "N/A",

return field

` is blocked now this proxy is useless


doesn’t freaking work anymore, probably fake

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@okfalse Sorry to revive this topic, but I’m trying to understand how do I set up my own API that will request all gamepasess from all players and send it in one packet, assuming this because you can’t spam request, do i need to use node.js or smething along the lines of that, just give me the idea/run through of the process thanks!

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use roblox’s method

Is roproxy down rn? Getting invalid redirect error? Getting

HttpError: InvalidRedirect

I think it’s down rn, trying to fetch a gamepass origin is unreachable


Is it safe to use in terms of roblox ToS?

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Any solutions to getting more real-time responses that aren’t cached by Roproxy? I tried hosting my own web service but I was having my own issues with that

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I think something is wrong with the API for getting gamepasses. When I run this*experience-id*/game-passes?limit=100&sortOrder=Asc
it just keeps loading until it eventually times out.


You can’t really control that, you kind of just have to hope that it doesn’t fail on you

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Roproxy is down like a week already. always return HttpError: InvalidRedirect

Is someone know about alternatives?

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Why is this proxy down for so long? Does anyone has an idea for an alternative??

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yes, its allowed for use, other games with ranking systems dont get banned


Why does<GameId>/servers flag it as a SQL command or malformed data

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i thought that API was disallowed from use using roproxy because of mass abuse

why are you using it anyways, just use messaging service

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Different PlaceIDs, also I don’t think you can abuse it anymore…

Can verify this keeps occurring, anybody know any alternatives to roproxy?

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I was using it only for photo and music search so i figured out that i can just use :GetFreeDecals and :SearchAudio which are actually also way faster

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This is occurring for me as well, but only occurs in-experience (requests always work fine in studio). @okfalse, can we get an answer as to why this is the case, and potentially a fix to this issue? At least in my cases, this error is very frequent and causes RoProxy to be nearly unusable for me.