RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn)

The privacy policy says that in different words, I just explained it in simpler terms, so there’s no reason to change anything.

what that means is that we can use the images to benefit the website. We are currently using the images to create a new visual criteria for skill application readers. The authors of the images will be credited in the criteria and their images will be watermarked if they haven’t already been watermarked already.

The privacy policy says that in different words

Different words have different meanings. You also are not claiming the right to use intellectual property, only saying you’ll use it. In other words, you’re openly admitting to copyright theft, as you do not have the right to use those images or the ownership of them.

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If users agree to the terms and privacy conditions then they agree that they allow us to use their images in a way to benefit the platform. In no way shape or form is rostats claiming ownership of any images submitted via the skill application.

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Inorder to be legally allowed to use the images they give you, you need the rights to use their IP which you do not claim in ur privacy policy. All it needs is a “By uploading your files you grant RoStats the right to use the intellectual property of the images for …”


I’d recommend you getting a VPS or self-hosting (For the love of God, don’t use AWS if you can avoid it)

Also if people are talking about SSL/TLS encryption not being on your website, I’d suggest CloudFlare as it also offers DDoS protection (
I recommend you turn on Flexible or Full (Don’t forget to also force HTTPS)


All of the issues you said were resolved, also we use heroku for hosting not AWS.

Platform as a Service =/= Infrastructure as a Service

Heroku is hardly considered a hosting service, just a glorified docker container with jacked up pricing.

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Ohhhhhhh, I see what you mean. I know Heroku uses AWS but you are also paying for the convenience that Heroku offers, Heroku does the setup for you and other menial stuff.

I believe your service is down again, image
What language you programming the handler in? Node.JS using ExpressJS?

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We’re still down, we haven’t re-released please wait for us to announce that we’ve re-opened.

Refer to this post: RoStats 》Stats For Developers (Roblox LinkedIn) - #160


Hey, I’d also suggest you get a StatusPage (like or
Statuspage | Atlassian is what many people use

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Good thought, but not plausible. If our site is down, it’s down. We would need another domain to handle the status page which won’t be happening at this time.

they literally give you a url for free with statuspage though.
also you don’t have to pay for subdomains?

Or just use upptime? It’s even easier:

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I get this when I click on sign up.

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Same, he might have forgotten to do a payment hahaha. Or it’s just a genuine error.



it’s been pulled until they feel like putting it back up because their legal / privacy docs were a complete mess.

Would stay clear tbh

Just going to repost this since there’s been some confusion.

Hello everyone!

Thanks for sticking around this past week, RoStats should be up and running sometime this week, we thank you for your patience. Quick note and sneak peak of RoStats+!

RoStats does not need to pay the ICO fee until we start making a profit.
ToC has been updated for release day.
We’re working on email verification and password resetting.

We are also looking forward to releasing our own currency, so keep a lookout for that!

Sneak Peaks: