Say Hello to the New Lua Draggers

With this roll-out, pasting textures onto parts is no longer possible for me.

All textures when copied + pasted go straight to workspace.

Furthermore, I much rather the old rotate tool than the new one. This new rotate tool is just not for me (and a lot of other users feel like that, as you’ve probably seen reading this thread + other threads in the building support category.)

This is me copy and pasting the same texture 4 times to paste unto the texture-less beige part, but all four textures ended up in Workspace.


I agree with you, the new rotation tool feels 10x more clunky


The move and scale is decent, the dragged itself is okay. The rotate tool on the other hand is not good.

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can you please make me revert back to the old tools the new tools are confusing and ugly

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can you please make me revert back to the old tools the new tools are confusing and ugly

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Your rollout of the new Lua Draggers has failed to address several of the critical issues that developers have had with your changes into our workflow.

Planar Dragging still has not been acknowledged and this was my #1 feature request for a new dragger. 2D move handles are a universal standard across all other engines and I’m asking for it because I know that if you don’t implement it now I will never get the attention for this feature again. Why is this too much to ask for?


Feedback on Changes

The rotate tool is now harder to select properly due to a lack of handles and frankly is painful to look at visually (thick vibrant colors with weird overlapping transparency gives me a headache). There’s also still no way to rotate an object on multiple axis at the same time (like you can in Unity, Unreal, Blender, Maya, etc etc).
This is the standard for a good reason.

Feedback on the Roblox Process

Yet again, no new functionality or experience changes have occurred since the beta release of Lua Draggers. Providing feedback on a beta feature and then seeing no real change or improvement at all as it gets forced down your throat gets tiring after the third or fourth time you do it. It feels like Roblox is following a trend to shotgun out features into beta, ask for feedback, ignore it for a few months, then force that new feature onto users with nothing changed besides stability fixes.

I don’t feel like my feedback is being heard or acted upon.


I disagree with the roblox staff on this update. I don’t see why the old lua draggers could have been treated the same as CSGv1 after it was phased out.


I agree with your point. Another thing to consider is Roblox is a kids game, meaning younger people use studio. Updates like this makes the task of creating a simple game harder for people who have had absolutely 0% experience with programs like Unity, Blender, etc.


Roblox is a kids platform with real Studios and teams trying to build a business around that platform. There is no reason to not include optional functionality that is a standard across all other engines.

Just because Roblox is a kid’s gaming platform doesn’t mean Roblox shouldn’t support power users.

It’s also the only one which changed significantly, so it will take more getting used to.

Please raise more specific feedback.

We are very likely to add this. We just have to get the baseline move over to Lua stable and finished before we make even more significant changes.

There’s not a great way to get around this right now. The fact that Roblox developers work against a full shaded + lit scene makes it really hard to see the handles if they’re any subtler.

We have improvements to the beta process used for studio features in general also coming soon which will hopefully help in this regard. We’re aware that the existing beta feature system is not doing as much work as it could be for the developer community.

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This happens with decals as well. Decals/textures currently cannot be pasted into any instance which is a descendant of Workspace. In any other place, such as Lighting, decals/textures can be pasted into any instance.

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The lighting on the surface of SelectonBoxes now changes if something is selected. I am pretty sure this did not happen before the new draggers were rolled out (correct me if I’m wrong).

I appreciate the response and acknowledgement that you are working on improvements, but if history is any indication I am not too hopeful.

From my perspective Roblox tends to churn out a new feature and then quickly move onto the next without delegating the proper time or resources into further improving and maintaining that feature once it has been released.

For example, I’ve been asking for keybinds for Smooth Terrain tools since November 2019. I can’t pretend to understand how much work this would be to add, but honestly I can’t see it being all that much. If at any point in the last 9 months an engineer had been able to pick up this relatively small request and implement it, my life only a daily basis would be substantially better. But they haven’t, and I don’t really have any hope that it’ll change until the next time a new “revamp” of the Smooth Terrain tools comes around (whenever that might be???). 9 months might not be a lot of time for a company, and it isn’t. But that’s 9 months of 8 hours of work a day of which I have been unable to use keybinds on basic core tools.

How long will I have to wait for Planar Dragging? 9 months? 2 years? I use these tools every single day and I’ve already been waiting for over 10 years of my life for Planar Dragging.

I stand by my statement that I don’t feel like my feedback is being heard or acted upon, and I also offer a solution:

Consider a Roblox “swat” team of engineers tasked with hopping from feature to feature and implementing small low-hanging feature requests or changes which the community has been asking for. Relatively simple changes can make a massive difference for your users.


With the feedback from the rotate tool, would you consider reverting it back to the old rotate tool? Or at least, making a plug-in/option of sorts.

Also, textures can no longer be pasted onto parts as before. They are pasted directly into workspace and there does not seem to be any work around.

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There are multiple people on this right now, expect this to be fixed soon-ish (within a couple hours). It’s actually an artifact of the VideoFrame release, not turning on the Lua Draggers.

I feel it is important to mention that I have seen many different features come into beta and run their course and then get pushed out, but this was the most well managed and thoughtful beta feature I’ve ever seen run for Studio. The majority of feedback was quickly and personally responded to, and addressed where it made sense, the tools stayed in beta for exactly as long as they needed to, and the entire operation felt like it was handled very carefully. Granted there will always be room for improvement, but I found the way this feature was handled was absolutely excellent, and really stood out from the way things are usually handled.

A year or two ago myself and a few other users spent some time running around the forum trying to gather a bunch of these kinds of tiny feature requests and it was very difficult to find enough of them to make the effort worthwhile. They are simply too random and too buried to find, even if given focused effort. If you have small usability enhancement feature requests that don’t have complicated dependencies, if you still need them, make sure you’re bumping them occasionally with your new use cases to keep them on the radar.

Also, I would very much like plane drag handles, I remember making a post about this a while ago on one of the threads you linked, but they are by no means a critical enhancement to these tools such that their release from beta needs to be delayed to include them.


Okay, thank you for the quick responses :slight_smile:

Texture pasting should work again now after a studio restart. The support for dragging the new Video Frames out of the toolbox broke the decal pasting functionality.

It works now, thank you for the speedy fix.

I agree that thus far the level of attention and response from @tnavarts and the rest of the team behind this feature has been incredibly admirable and a breath of fresh air. That being said, I still think more could have been done to address the smaller feature requests that slip through the cracks.

Planar Dragging notwithstanding, I feel like the feedback regarding the rotation tool’s handles should have been anticipated and addressed before pushing to 100% of clients.

A more personal opinion, I don’t believe any feature should ever be forced onto your client. I always want a legacy version to revert to should I find the newer version inadequate. Legacy features should only be abandoned if they are absolutely no longer sustainable or until the new version is 100% superior to the previous.