Selecting 'Workspace' results in 5 seconds of lag and interrupts everyone elses' workflow

It’s common for us to need to select Workspace to modify a setting such as streaming for testing.
When we do this, due to the large size of the contents we have in Workspace, Studio will freeze for a few seconds for everyone on our team. Not only does it freeze, but other people are completely interrupted due to their model being highlighted.

Every so often if you select Workspace and un-select it fast (due to a mistake), your highlight can get stuck for everyone else requiring them to restart.

Expected behavior

It should not highlight everything when selecting Workspace.


Honestly I think draggers should be outright disabled if you just select the workspace container. I have breathtaking performance problems if I so much as look at workspace. Studio’s draggers shouldn’t treat it as a model - don’t enable draggers, don’t highlight the contents, etc. If the user really wants to move everything under workspace, make them select all of the children.


Hi @CoderJoey

We would require some dump files and microprofilers in order to help in finding the root cause of the issue!

Please read the guides above carefully regarding how to create and where to send the dump files!



hi @CoderJoey thanks for reporting this issue! We’re investigating this. One tip: TC users can go turn on/off visibility of collaborators’ selection (here’s how in one of our recent releases). I hope this makes it less painful meanwhile.

Quick question - do you have any valid use cases where you’d want everything to be selected when clicking on workspace? Or do you only click on Workspace to modify the settings as you mentioned?

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While this resolves one point, the issue of selecting workspace causes a 3-5 second stutter on my PC is still present.

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Also, I have absolutely no valid use cases for needing Workspace selected. I’m only selecting Workspace to paste it in, or to modify the Workspace properties.

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Brand new PC. I freeze for 17 seconds when clicking Workspace (lol.)

No third party plugins. Nothing freaky enabled. Changing Streaming properties is a nightmare.

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Here is a similar video on my PC:

When my cursor/selection stops moving is the time to load
This makes pasting into workspace a pain, I try to avoid it

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Never, I only click on workspace to paste something into it or change properties on it. I’ve been on the platform for 15 years and I’ve never clicked on workspace with the intention of selecting everything inside it to do operations on the contents. I have always specifically selected the contents of workspace that I care about and then transformed them, even if it’s all children.


@ForeverDev @chickenputty do you have Team Create on when you’re experiencing that lag? Or does it still happen even if Team Create is off?

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Team Create is on yes, thank you!

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If you open up a script or anything that hides the current view of workspace, it makes the lagspike significantly less of an issue - a temporary fix for now I suppose.

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Does toggling the “Show selection highlights” setting reduce this in any way?

You can find that setting by clicking on the avatar icons in the top ribbon bar to open the “Live Collaborators” widget.

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No it only reduces it for others, not yourself. We have already disabled seeing others. However, it does not save when you restart studio.

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